Nicely captured, cloudy days are made for warm or vibrant colors.
Very nice shot, Antonio -- I am just a little bit on the side of a more narrower frame.
Thank you John and Izzie for your comments.
@ Izzie
I think the cropping is just fine Izzie. The image looks to me well balanced and a tighter crop would - perhaps - isolate the tree from the context.
Anyway, thank you for your opinion. It is always good to read other people's points of view...
I usually have 3 crop proportions. I rarely change from one to another. This option gives - in my point of view and work - consistency to the hole photographic work I have been doing so far.
When I take the picture I have already in mind - more or less - the final image. It works most of the times.
How about the wild mushrooms (not to be eaten) herewith ?
Last edited by Antonio Correia; 1st December 2014 at 03:26 PM.
Antonio, beautiful captures.
The crop in each image works for me, as does the framing and titling. I was however drawn back to the framing of first image.
I cannot remember you framing with a black outer border before, and although it works well on the posted image, I found it somewhat distracting on the lightbox view.
As ever, you show yourself to be a master when it comes to capturing and presenting subjects to great effect. The angle of the tree in the first shot really appeals and I thinks sits very well in the frame.
(Despite me commonly looking for the crop, I think this would lose so much by attempting such a move in this case).
I wonder what next in the series?
I am not referring to the cropping, Antonio, of the shot. I am referring to the white frame around it.
Thank you all for the comments
If I read correctly most of the comments were - or rather, are - about the framing not the crop.
I decided to move definitively to this kind of presentation - which I will describe in a few moments - after I decided that I only - or mostly - work by projects. This procedure makes me to produce coherent set of images all in the same size, treatment and so forth.
The presentation is always with white canvas with a line at the bottom. Above, the name of the project and bellow some kind of information about the project.
But for example when I photograph my grandson I always use his name above and bellow the place where we are and his age. A legacy I hope !
The canvas has quite an advantage: better presentation, you hold the white area and not the image itself, you can easily place the image inside a frame to hang on the wall and so on. I can't remember of anything else now...
Make an experiment:
Print one image without canvas and another with. Compare. Which you like best ? Ask your friends. Show it to others and ask their opinion. Make a decision about it and pursuit your choice.
However, be careful to show your example to the right persons. I mean show them to people who have a minimum sense of aesthetics.
Meanwhile I present you with another one. Remember do not eat mushrooms you do not know the origine !