Thunder storms here at our place are as rare as rocking horse poo. And they are short lived. Half an hour max. Everywhere else that has them has far better thunder dome lightning than the pissy sparkler stuff we get. But beggars can't be choosers. So when we had one last night I sat outside on my rocking chair and fired off 100 or so hand held shots in the hope of not missing the action when I pressed the shutter. But my shooting sojourn was curtailed as Mrs Ucci made some quite earthy remarks as to what she would do with my camera if I did not come inside immediately and help her to comfort two very distressed dogs who do not cope with thunder storms. So, seeing as her offer on the placement of the camera if I did not comply sounded rather painful, I headed inside to do as told, ASAP. Never mind her total disregard for her pulling the rug and her crushing my Artistic Endeavours.
This is my first attempt at this sort of subject. As soon as I saw the flash I pressed the shutter. Hence I missed most of the strikes, ending up with black sky. You know, I think there must be easier photos shoots.
Okay, having made as many excuses as possible for the following posts ....
Oh, one last thing for those who might care...
Canon 7D Frame with EF-S 18 -200 mm lens, 1:3.5- 5.6IS
Settings, aperture f 3.5, Exposure 1/50s , ISO 1000
focus on infinity
Hand held shooting