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Thread: Laser printers

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Laser printers

    Just bought a new one as my old one does not do double (duplex) sided and this is important with trifold leaflets.

    It's interesting to see how lasers have come on over the years, my old Canon is at least 10 years old (and still perfect) just a little slow at 9ppm, the new LBP7210 does so much better.

    I don't know if anyone else uses lasers but when you are in business, even a small one it can make all the difference when you are doing mail shots, leaflets for events etc.

  2. #2

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    Re: Laser printers

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    Just bought a new one as my old one does not do double (duplex) sided and this is important with trifold leaflets.

    It's interesting to see how lasers have come on over the years, my old Canon is at least 10 years old (and still perfect) just a little slow at 9ppm, the new LBP7210 does so much better.

    I don't know if anyone else uses lasers but when you are in business, even a small one it can make all the difference when you are doing mail shots, leaflets for events etc.
    I allways used a laserjet, first the HPLJ4 since somewhere beginning 90's. Now a Brother. At long term they are much cheaper than inkjet. My second laserprinter in over 20 years.
    And something else, I also use my first matrixprinter to print my administration on chain-forms once a year. Is from 1984.


  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Laser printers

    I don't know if anyone else uses lasers
    I have three printers: a cheap Brother laser for run-of-the-mill black and white printing (faster and far cheaper per page than inkjets); an old Canon multipurpose inkjet (MP 970) for scanning and for the situations where I need text-quality color; and a Canon Pixma Pro 100 for photo printing. It's a great combination, but it does take up a lot of room.

  4. #4
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Laser printers

    I've used Samsung lasers for a long time now. Have owned 2 so far both colour. Kept the 1st one for over 12 years and then fancied a change.The main reason for Samsung is that they provide Linux drivers. I switched to lasers after becoming fed up with inkjets drying up as we sometimes print a lot and there may then be months before the printer is used again. My wife does a lot of colour printing these days and I'm sure that the running costs are lower than inkjet. Biggest problem in that area is the type of paper that can be run through it. Xerox semi gloss photo paper is very effectively but it's thickness can cause the machine to jam despite settings. I'd guess this works out colour wise because Samsung seem to have gone to some trouble to match sRGB.

    Photoprinting? Not as bad as some might expect except for jams.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Re: Laser printers

    My first printer was the Epson FX80 better than the RX, and this was great with letter quality on the BBC B.
    Horses for courses.

    I have a3+ inkjets etc but they can not compare to Laserjets for speed and convenience when printing for business as I said in the original post.

    I have just printed 500 trifold, double sided leaflets, they will not smudge if wet/damp, and I can set many different jobs up.

    Inkjets obviously for images

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Laser printers

    I am in virtually the same camp as DanK... I use a low end Brother Laser printer which, when using generic toners, reduces my per sheet cost to less than one U.S. Cent ($.01) per sheet (depending on the price of the paper). I do all of my B&W printing on this machine and, although it cost less than one hundred U.S. Dollars, just keeps humming.

    I print my photos with a Canon Pixma Pro 9000 Mk.ii which is a great printer and which I got at quite a low price when the later models were introduced.

    My wife prints with an Epson all purpose printer which she received free with a desktop computer a few years ago.

    We also have a Brother Scanner which does a marvelous job and almost never jams. My wife scans all of our rescue dog data and places that on our rescue groups dropbox so it is available to everyone. The Brother scanner is fast and can scan multiple sheets in duplex.

    We do not use a fax machine. Instead we have an online fax service with an independent fax number. It never jams!

  7. #7
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Laser printers

    I was in the market for a reliable laser to print reports, letters, envelopes etc. when I was walking downtown a few years ago. In two office windows (business offices), I saw Lexmark E232 printers being used for production; bought one and have been very pleased with it.

    I just wish it would print 11" x 17" and would scan that size too, then it would be perfect. So I'm stuck using a Brother inkjet for the larger size, but inkjet cartridges are much more costly than laser toner refills.


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