How long did you last? They say it's a dry cold so not so bad! Nice capture.
Well spotted Kim, hopefully he's not as cold as you were
Kim...nice shot. I think I have the same weakness of your R hand and wrist but a relic from my rollerblading/bicycling and skateboarding leather glove helps me a lot. It has open fingers and uses it even inside the house until fingers warms up. The brand is Harbinger and I just googled it but I can't find the same padding as I have because mine is an old old model. Sometimes when I am desperately cold, I wear it while typing in my keyboard though it is a bit difficult -- anything in my hand while typing is difficult, what the heck?
Last edited by IzzieK; 8th December 2014 at 11:12 AM.
Support for my wrist was the most important for this purchase of a long time ago. I guess my ailment there in the weakness of the wrist came from my genes or just the thought of I have a man, he might as well help me open jars or carry heavy stuffs...I do not know... but one with the wrist wrap is very helpful and the whole glove is just the size for my small hands...I bought mine in a bicycle/skateboarding store at Elizabeth Street in Melbourne and hasn't looked back since. And the padding on the palm helped save my skin many times when I was learning how to skateboard...