Nicely captured.
Sharpness, colours and clouds make this a great image to just sit and gaze at. You've positioned those foreground rocks very nicely for added interest and the stitching is spot on. Only hiccup is a horizon that looks crooked to me. Perhaps it's just the lay of the land but even so I'd straighten it to make the image just look better. In my opinion that is
Nice work Paul, lovely colours and light. Good processing too.
Would have liked a little more sky but that's very nice Paul. I like he richness of the colour.
Very beautiful shot! Excellent composition. I love the colours too -- very autumny...
Beautifully captured with a great sense of depth Paul!
I didn't notice that it might not be level until Graham mentioned it so its not really noticeable. On the other hand, sometimes a potential unnoticed nit like that subconsciously niggles at the brain and says 'something doesn't 'feel' quite right'.
Very nice image, I like the PP work
Really a nicely composed and executed image. It's interesting how different things catch our attention. The nit for me is the linear components in the sky caused by the jet vapor trails. If you have the software to do it, cloning them out would be a major improvement IMO. A lovely image regardless. Nice job.
I think so too. Something subconscious about the suggestion of tilt pulls at one's appreciation of this great image. I'm with Dan on the vapor trails, too, and have spent many tedious hours on vapor trail elimination. Amazing how constant and ubiquitous they are. Perhaps they don't bother everyone... I wonder.
I really like this shot Paul, thanks for posting it. I tend to agree about the horizon but disagree about the vapour trails, as ever it's an opinion thing not a suggestion !
Edit looks much better Paul , IMO straightening the horizon helped the image because the rocks leaning towards right look more balanced now.And I like the sky without contrails
To me it's much improved Paul but then horizons that are crooked or appear to be crooked are a pet peeve of mine so I was always going to like the change even if it is unreal. And because I've never been to where the shot was taken it now looks more natural to me. The contrails didn't faze me, in fact I kinda liked them because they're something you rarely ever see where I live.
I like it very much.
Paul...comparing the two from original to edit, I think I like the original one now...I like the contrails in the shot because it balances the seemingly crooked lay of the picture, don't you think? The edit looks more "neater" (I can't find the proper word...) -- it lacks "body" unlike the original one warts and all...just my opinion...
Nice images Paul, I think I have a similar images lurking on one of my hard drives. This thread has prompted me to search around for them and process those (if any) which are as good as yours. I do like the edit but I may have left the contrails in.
Thanks all for commenting. Izzie I agree, I was searching for the word too and 'neater' sort of sums it up. It is a pretty wild place and shouldn't really be 'neat'. The contrails I don't miss. Interesting to note the differences of opinion from those who commented, the majority seemingly prefer the straight horizon without contrails and to be truthful I like both versions. The original without contrails (sorry Graham, Peter) would probably be the one I'd go for.
Peter don't leave them lurking on your hard drive ... process and post