I am a right-wing/socialist so I am always right

But seriously I read "exposing to the right' when I found it some time after it came out and thereafter set my camera to under expose by one stop, first thing I do with each new camera I get. If it still blinks at me I decide if I am bothered about those areas being washed out ....I did shoot RAW plus JPGFINE for awhile but I notice somehow the camera has reverted to JPGFINE so I am leaving it at that

My monitor is uncalibrated so I never comment on washed out photos as I cannot reduce its density ... my photos look good on it and elsewhere so I really do not know what to think
To Post #2 I added a curves adjustment layer and moved the bottom to the first quarter and then moved the centre point slightly to the right .. IMO As the people are the important aspect of the shot they are better.