Just another shot of a Flyer and her Joey. They paused in their evening feed to check me out as I ambled by, dismissed me as of little account, and returned to their grazing. It is truly a very, very sad thing when even a pair of damn roos dismiss you as being totally insignificant and a non event.
Hopefully, a photographer in posting a shot can do so such that the viewer can get some insight into what it was that motivated the photographer to pause and to frame the shot. If this happens, then it is a truly joyous thing, God smiles, angels sing, saints dance and big bells toll... well, maybe not quite, but the photographer is usually pleased with the outcome response if this unanimity of interpretation occurs. However, this is a rare piece of serendipity. The result in the eyes of viewers is usually like the guy leaving a memorial service and after hearing 20 different eulogies on the deceased, thinks to self, "You know. We buried 20 different people today."
So, to help in the process. Okay, so this is a shot of just another pair of roos, which are as common as a boarding room tart around here. But these two were feeding outside the front gate as it was getting on towards dusk and they paused as I passed to check me out. It was the light and shadows from the setting sun falling on them which caught my attention; and this my rationale for lining up a shot or two.
So, time for me to step back and invite comments. Thank you to all those for viewing and your gentile tolerance of my rambling efforts.