Where did you take this shot, Gerry? What was the catch like?
Greg, this was taken yesterday, In Nungwi Beach, Zanzibar. It was quite a candid shot as my wife and I were having lunch and we were ''told off'' by the waitress for taking photographs
They're getting their pretty dresses all wet
Nice colors and interesting commentary. Well done.
Nicely captured.
John, these ladies and young girls would do the same every day, sometimes as deep as almost just below their neck, come back into shore and because their gowns were so fine they would be dry very quickly. Then they would sell their catch on the beach.
Nice image,interesting story
Nice capture Gerry, it always amazes me how the women dress for fishing in the sea, but of course it makes total sense.
Nice capture Gerry, nice to see your still getting the weather in Troon
Engaging and appealing - one wants to see more of the expressions, details of the hands and arms, etc. but obviously out-of-bounds.
I wonder how variable the proscription of images of persons is among Muslim cultures, how consistently strict, whether it is OK if images are of family, etc.
I think of our Western experience of media, film and personal use of photography and am awed by the enormous void that would result were images of ourselves and fellow humans subtracted from our daily experience.
Great shot, Gerry. I love the way the women are doing the hard work and the man is puttering around in his boat. Omitting both the horizon and the shoreline provide an interesting perspective on this fishing operation. Nicely done!
Oh culture differences. A long time ago I was reading Lobsang Rampa's books on the life of the monks in Tibet and he said something about Tibetan monks don't like their picture taken because it is like stealing a part of your soul. He died in 1981. But Manfred recently shown this is not the case nowadays.