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Thread: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

  1. #1
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    With the end of the year approaching, what are your photography related resolutions going to be?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    I resolve not to make any resolutions (that I probably won't keep anyways) and will just get out there and shoot.

    That's the same resolution I make every year...

  3. #3
    Tringa's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Agree with Manfred - just to make the effort to get out there and take more shots and, as I have PSE11, to learn how to get the best out of it.

    If I can hijack this thread a little I'd like to suggest a resolution for some other photographers.

    If you use HDR software please do not (a) comment you have used it, or IMO even worse, (b) apologise for using it.

    Such software is just another pp technique available to photographers. I don't think anyone would say, "I used Lightroom for this.", or, "Sorry, this has been Photoshopped.", so why mention when you have used HDR software?


  4. #4

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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    I'll take as high resolution as I can get

  5. #5
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Use the cameras and accessories.

  6. #6

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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    With the Project 52 about to start again, I will need to decide what to do for the next year.

    Project 52: Index and FAQ

    I have been continuing with posting Weekly Photos, which are a bit along the lines of a photo diary, but maybe it is now time to take on some narrower and more challenging experimental ideas.

    But I may also continue with the Week Photos as well, certainly on my P base galleries.

    What sort of Project 52 challenge though? At the moment, I'm considering returning to the same location once a week or looking for elements which are missing from my Weekly Photos; and something which comes to mind is that I don't include enough images of people with my current style.

    Still a couple of weeks of thinking time left, so it might be something completely different!

  7. #7

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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    ...I don't include enough images of people with my current style...
    You could always move to the States and start doing weddings

  8. #8

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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I resolve not to make any resolutions (that I probably won't keep anyways) and will just get out there and shoot.

    That's the same resolution I make every year...
    Actually, I think the resolution you made last year was very admirable: "Continue to improve my photographic skills - shooting and in post-production. Nicely said; practice, practice and more practice..." Better yet, you followed up in July that you you had accomplished all of that and more. I'm referring to this thread.

  9. #9

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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    You could always move to the States and start doing weddings
    Do weddings!!!

    I would sooner let a monkey with an open razor practice hairdressing with my . . .

  10. #10
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Shoot more and shoot better. And learn my softwares.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Actually, I think the resolution you made last year was very admirable: "Continue to improve my photographic skills - shooting and in post-production. Nicely said; practice, practice and more practice..." Better yet, you followed up in July that you you had accomplished all of that and more. I'm referring to this thread.
    Last year was an exception. My usual resolution, and not just for photography, is to not to make any more resolutions. I've been making that one for years (decades really).

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    I'd like to take another trip with photography as my main interest. In 2013 we went to Venice and a cruise to Greece. We also visited Istanbul. I enjoyed photographing Venice and Istanbul. The cruise left me flat...

    This year, 2014,, my wife was given a cruise for two to Hawaii by friends who run a cruise booking agency. Since I would rather have a root canal done than take another cruise, we decided that my wife and our daughter would go to Hawaii while I and our daughter's husband would go fishing in Mexico. We all enjoyed our trips but, I didn't expect to do much photography.

    I would really like to go back to Vietnam. I spent 26 months In-Country between 1966 and 1972 and traveled extensively as a cameraman. However, my wife doesn't want to go there at all.

    I would also love to visit the British Isles; since so many of my roots originate in England, Scotland, and Ireland. My wife is willing to go but not overly enthusiastic over that destination...

    My wife has never been to our nation's capitol, Washington D.C. and I would love to visit some of the U.S. Civil War Battlefields surrounding the Washington area, especially Gettysburg. I'd also like to do some shooting in Washington; so I think that Washington and the surrounding area will be our choice for 2015.

  13. #13
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    I'd like to take another trip with photography as my main interest. In 2013 we went to Venice and a cruise to Greece. We also visited Istanbul. I enjoyed photographing Venice and Istanbul. The cruise left me flat...

    This year, 2014,, my wife was given a cruise for two to Hawaii by friends who run a cruise booking agency. Since I would rather have a root canal done than take another cruise, we decided that my wife and our daughter would go to Hawaii while I and our daughter's husband would go fishing in Mexico. We all enjoyed our trips but, I didn't expect to do much photography.

    I would really like to go back to Vietnam. I spent 26 months In-Country between 1966 and 1972 and traveled extensively as a cameraman. I liked Vietnam and the Vietnamese people. However, my wife doesn't want to go there at all.

    I would also love to visit the British Isles; since so many of my roots originate in England, Scotland, and Ireland. My wife is willing to go but not overly enthusiastic over that destination...

    My wife has never been to our nation's capitol, Washington D.C. and I would love to visit some of the U.S. Civil War Battlefields surrounding the Washington area, especially Gettysburg. I'd also like to do some shooting in Washington; so I think that Washington and the surrounding area will be our choice for 2015.

  14. #14
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Do weddings!!!

    I would sooner let a monkey with an open razor practice hairdressing with my . . .
    I didn't realise you still have a teddy bear..... but I must confess I have a similar enthusiasm for photographing weddings.

    My resolution should be to take the photographs I have missed getting in the past but a year will not be long enough.

  15. #15
    Ndukes's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    I recently had serious issues with my Epson R1800 printer which turned out to be blocked ink jets caused by lack of use. I have had it roughly 10 years but I have managed clean it fully. It now produces excellent 12 x 18 (30 x 45) prints again. So, as lack of use has become an issue for both me and my printer, my resolution (to use the obvious pun) for 2015 is to create at least one new 'special' 12 x 18 print every month.

  16. #16
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    I also had blocked ink jet problems with my Epson R1800. I was able to snare a Canon Pixma Pro 9000 Mk II (I sold the Epson for about half what I paid for the Pixma) at a good price and have not had anymore blocked inkjet problems, despite the fact that I don't print a lot of images...

  17. #17
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    My goal for the coming year with photography is to have fun producing thought-provoking images wherever and in whatever direction I happen to wander, and I love to wander! oh - you noticed. hmmmmm...

  18. #18
    wmoore's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Shoot more film

  19. #19

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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Make sure I can carry all the gear at the end of the walk as well as the start.

    Tell my partner before I buy equipment and tell her what it costs.

    Use my tripods more

  20. #20
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: New Year imminent - photography resolutions?

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecanon View Post
    Make sure I can carry all the gear at the end of the walk as well as the start.

    Tell my partner before I buy equipment and tell her what it costs.

    Use my tripods more
    Very ambitious unless of course there are no equipment purchases planed for the year..... Pretty ambitious even then.

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