Oh Wow! James very good shot...very clean.......BUT I do not like the long twig near his leg at the RHS. Not a nit, just commenting here..
Beautiful animal and nicely captured. Aggravating where they choose to stand sometimes.
I do not mind the border...I think I mind the twig more near his legs. Just a little bit of blurring if you do not mind...it looks like it is hitting his leg and making it bend a little bit forward. With my new-er eyesight I think I am just getting a bit discerning (is this a word for that?) Sorry. Just ignore me, I am just nitting (nitpicking?) Good ole me is back ....
I would be happy if that were in my files. I really like how the vegetation goes from in focus (on the LH side) to OOF (in the BG). Sticks can be annoying, without enough brush and stuff, sometimes photos don't look like they were taken in the real woods.
I like it a lot, nice capture.
Good one James, I wonder if the branch/twigs actually enhance a shot like this at times because we get to see more of the natural environment they live in. Just food for thought
Nice shots, I find the green and black borders distracting in the second shot