Very good Graham, they say it's the best time to fish here but it's never worked for me
Nicely proportioned.
I like the composition very much, if it was mine I would choose a yellow color close to orange in the sky instead of pure yellow
Nice image, but it looks rather bright out. Not what one would expect at sunset.
I must admit when I increased the vibrance the sunset colour did go a bit too yellow. I've tried a hue/saturation mask to try toning it back down and making a little more red but haven't yet succeeded.
Manfred at the latitude where Brisbane sits sunsets happen quite quickly with almost no twilight. For instance today the sun sets here at 18:35 and last light is at 19:02. This was taken looking almost due north about fifteen minutes before the sun hit the horizon out of shot to the left while the light was still quite bright but the sunset colours were beginning to show.
Hey Grahame....I like the perspective of this shot. What lens did you use?
I like the comoposition, Graham, but the colours in the sky seem a bit odd to me - even for Queensland. I wonder if that is because you used a vibrance adjustment rather than saturation? I think vibrance does little to warm tones and is preferred for shots with skin tones because saturation tends to give flesh too much red. But for a sunset, that may be what you need.