I had an "oops" moment today when I dropped my 18-55mm 1:35-5.6 GI ED lens on a rock...I dusted it off and took another shot and thought all was well until I tried to rotate the zoom and found it to be stuckThe autofocus appears to be in working order and I can force it to zoom past the place where it is stuck with a fair amount of force.
A quick internet search tells me that a replacement lens can be had for as little as $99 at BH photo. Given that we don't have a repair shop on island and I think that it makes sense to replace and/or upgrade the lens.
I shoot with a D7000 and have been thinking about an upgrade for a little while now so if I am trying to look on the bright side of things...I now have my chanceI also have a 55-200 (same generation as the 18-55mm which were the two lenses that came with a D40X way back when) and a 50mm prime, and as a aside the 18-55 is currently stuck on 55mm...go figure?
I don't think that I want to pay for top level professional glass but would like to consider a lens that is a bit faster that the broken lens and something that has better image quality. As many of you know I like to shoot landscapes so I would also consider something wider than 18mm.
So, please give me some recommendations and your reasoning behind them. The technicalities of lenses is something that I do not have a really good understanding of so I am hoping that you folks will be able to provide some guidance for me as I make my decision.
Many thanks in advance!