My Chico is the first to bloom - this is the 3rd year in a row.
This is not the best picture, as the lack of light meant that the detail was just not there. I had very little light left in this day and the histogram is very flat. So, I did the open doorway thing and let the background burn so as to create a white background. I used a tripod and shot f22 to get more in focus.
If I get home in time from work, and the blooms have not started to shrivel, I will try again - with my black background.
(But...I just had to get the jump on Frank - unless he has already posted and I missed it, which was quite possible as I have been very busy these past 2 weeks with work).
One of these days, I will buy the equipment to create a small indoor studio where I can control the lighting.
Please feel free to c&c