Two standard images of a Mute Swan... I keep trying to capture the light on the swans tail feathers and the head, but never manage both so in post processing I've lightened the shadows a fair amount (also compensating for the dirt on the bird) - perhaps too much? I denoised the water but not the swan, and noise is seen in the dark areas.
f/8 SS 1600 (I was hoping for some action which never happened) ISO 1600
More creative composition... I was hoping that the it would look like the Swans beak was disappearing in a sea of white... In hindsight I think that the next time I try this I will us a slightly smaller aperture for more depth of field on the Swan's beak.
f/4 ISO 100 SS 100
Just sharing but I would appreciate some input on the composition of #3...
Thank you.