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Thread: Flare problems on D750

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Flare problems on D750

  2. #2
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Flare problems on D750

    Those shots that admin posted look rather extremely back lit to me Jeremy. Lenses can do exactly the same thing under similar circumstances.


  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Flare problems on D750

    It would be really nice if these websites were run by someone who had a bit more technical background. Many of the posters haven't got a clue and are little better than trolls. Reading some of the postings makes me laugh; some of these folks haven't got a clue about how cameras (or lenses) are put together and work, yet they all seem to have solutions to a problem, that is probably either quite minor or possibly non-existant.

    Could there be a problem; of course? Is this a camera issue; perhaps? No camera is perfect and there will likely be unwanted artifacts under certain shooting conditions. Like you John, I tend to find that lens flare or internal reflections caused by low quality filters are likely much more common culprits here.

    I had a camera that had a image quality problem identified, that happened under some fairly unique circumstances. The manufacturer's fix was to change the firmware that reduced the image quality in 100% of the images, to make this problem go away. Needless to say, I reinstalled the old firmware and did not have any issues.

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