I've done some HDR work from time to time, but tend to try for a more "realistic" look. This image looks like a lot of the "grunge" effects that seems so popular amongst some users, but are also a look that tends to be overused and gives HDR a bit of a bad rap.
I have not used Photoshop for HDR; there are a number of more specialized applications out there.
A couple of things I would probably looked at if it were my image:
1. White balance is far too yellow (muddy looking) for my taste;
2. HDR reduces image contrast, I would tend to boost it
3. I agree with the others; get rid of that bit of kitchen on the right
4. Your shot has a fair bit of keystoning; I would correct that too.
5. The histogram suggests significant underexposure (a couple of stops); I would brighten things up a touch.
6. I'd be tempted to reduce the saturation a touch as well.
A couple of minutes of PP gives me the following interpretation of your shot: