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Thread: My First Attempt At HDR

  1. #1

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    My First Attempt At HDR

    Hi Everybody,

    I've never tried to pull off an HDR photo before but since I just got a new wide angle lens for Christmas I figured I'd give it a whirl. Took this bracket last night of my mothers Christmas dinner place settings on her dining room table. Used Photoshop CS6 for the editing and I'm disappointed that I can't get the photo to look as amazing as the 32 bit photo looked in the initial processing....this is the 8 bit jpeg photo. Still came out pretty well I think for my first try. Please share your thoughts on ways I can improve this HDR look and any helpful hints you guys might use when doing your own HDR photography.



    My First Attempt At HDR

  2. #2
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Personally I like it though some may see this is a bit surreal.

  3. #3

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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Overall I think it is a nice image. The reflection in the mirror at left of frame is a bit distracting. It has that look more of a painting than a photograph which is fairly common with HDR. Congrats on scoring the new lens.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Nice, I would crop out the kitchen.

  5. #5

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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    It looks surreal but it is very nice

  6. #6

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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    The thumbnail image seems a tad on the harsh side but it looks better at full screen size.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    I have no problem with your image -- HDR or not as it brought out the warmth of the shot...I thought, like John (message #4) that I'd like the kitchen cropped out but moving the image in lytebox, it sort of makes it unbalanced -- just a thought, John....sorry, because the framing of the star of the photograph is the leading line of the table setting. So I just thought...ignore the kitchen. I think too that the dining room is part of the environment shot which may or may not include the kitchen but it is there so leave it as is. But then, that is just me. Maybe he should had just shut the door before the take.

  8. #8

    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Too many HDR images seem to fail at whatever was being attempted. I think this image might have been one of them, save for what the image is of (and perhaps, about). This may not work for the cover of a magazine but this is just so reminiscent (and spot on) of a Norman Rockwell painting that I think you have succeeded tremendously. As for cropping the kitchen door, I would leave it as it is, as I think the peek into the kitchen just further adds warmth and homeyness. I would find a very nice frame, frame it give it to your mother. (The only thing(s) missing is (are) the family seated at the table, and christmas decorations in the dining room. Maybe decorate and re-shoot )

  9. #9
    ashcroft's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    How exactly did you process this, Zak? Did you use 32 bit HDR processing in PS? You should be able to get a more photo-realistic look than this - if that was what you wanted. Did you process it in RAW edit as part of 32 bit processing? It appears to have some 'tone-mapping' applied which is giving it the surreal look mentioned above.

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    I've done some HDR work from time to time, but tend to try for a more "realistic" look. This image looks like a lot of the "grunge" effects that seems so popular amongst some users, but are also a look that tends to be overused and gives HDR a bit of a bad rap.

    I have not used Photoshop for HDR; there are a number of more specialized applications out there.

    A couple of things I would probably looked at if it were my image:

    1. White balance is far too yellow (muddy looking) for my taste;

    2. HDR reduces image contrast, I would tend to boost it

    3. I agree with the others; get rid of that bit of kitchen on the right

    4. Your shot has a fair bit of keystoning; I would correct that too.

    5. The histogram suggests significant underexposure (a couple of stops); I would brighten things up a touch.

    6. I'd be tempted to reduce the saturation a touch as well.

    A couple of minutes of PP gives me the following interpretation of your shot:

    My First Attempt At HDR

  11. #11
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    I think it's too muddy in places to look anything like a Norman Rockwell painting. It also lacks the posterisation.

    The glow to the table does a lot for it but the general background lets it down. That's where I feel things look too muddy in places. Almost like a very heavy cigar or pipe smoker has just left the room -miraculously leaving the table clear.

    Interesting though - not a typical yuck hdr processed image look. Actually merged images don't have to look like they often do - even using PS.

    Not at all sure about what the OP means regarding the 32bit image. If that's per channel there is no way of seeing it and what the OP saw should be what he gets - unless he is using a 3x10bit aRGB set up which is a bit pointless when work is being done for the web.


  12. #12
    GBO25's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    I like it Zak. The leading lines and depth are really good. As per Manfred I would correct the keystone which is not hard to do in Photoshop or even Elements.
    I much prefer your warmer look than Manfred's edit though but as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each to his/her own.

  13. #13
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    I can enjoy HDR-processed results when they clearly reveal their HDR origins, and as such, I find this image engaging and fun. In this sense HDR can be a medium of its own. Some folks seem to get hooked on it, though, and I think it can be limiting when that happens.

    In its other sense, HDR is a technological manipulation to mimic the eye's ability to hold together a scene with much broader dynamic range than achieved a single exposure on a sensor without revealing it's compressive influence. (Others may be able to express this better than I have here). It is in this other sense that HDR most interests (and impresses) me, and that with limited exploration at this point, that I find it most challenging to use successfully.

  14. #14
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    I have no problem with your image -- HDR or not as it brought out the warmth of the shot...I thought, like John (message #4) that I'd like the kitchen cropped out but moving the image in lytebox, it sort of makes it unbalanced -- just a thought, John....sorry, because the framing of the star of the photograph is the leading line of the table setting. So I just thought...ignore the kitchen. I think too that the dining room is part of the environment shot which may or may not include the kitchen but it is there so leave it as is. But then, that is just me. Maybe he should had just shut the door before the take.

    I thought about the imbalance of cropping out the kitchen myself.

  15. #15
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I've done some HDR work from time to time, but tend to try for a more "realistic" look. This image looks like a lot of the "grunge" effects that seems so popular amongst some users, but are also a look that tends to be overused and gives HDR a bit of a bad rap.

    I have not used Photoshop for HDR; there are a number of more specialized applications out there.

    A couple of things I would probably looked at if it were my image:

    1. White balance is far too yellow (muddy looking) for my taste;

    2. HDR reduces image contrast, I would tend to boost it

    3. I agree with the others; get rid of that bit of kitchen on the right

    4. Your shot has a fair bit of keystoning; I would correct that too.

    5. The histogram suggests significant underexposure (a couple of stops); I would brighten things up a touch.

    6. I'd be tempted to reduce the saturation a touch as well.

    A couple of minutes of PP gives me the following interpretation of your shot:

    My First Attempt At HDR
    Nice crop and tonal adjustment.

  16. #16

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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    I also prefer the white balance in Zak's version - looks much more natural. I do find my eyes drawn to the lights reflecting on the ceiling and would prefer if that wasn't so dominant - but good job for a first attempt.

  17. #17
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Quote Originally Posted by GBO25 View Post
    I much prefer your warmer look than Manfred's edit though but as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each to his/her own.
    I do too, but the issue is that once the white balance is "baked in"; getting the white balance to look right may not be possible.

    That's what I ran into here. The important thing is to make sure that the white balance is right in either the RAW conversion or the SOOC jpeg, otherwise it is likely too late.

  18. #18
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    I can enjoy HDR-processed results when they clearly reveal their HDR origins, and as such, I find this image engaging and fun. In this sense HDR can be a medium of its own. Some folks seem to get hooked on it, though, and I think it can be limiting when that happens.

    In its other sense, HDR is a technological manipulation to mimic the eye's ability to hold together a scene with much broader dynamic range than achieved a single exposure on a sensor without revealing it's compressive influence. (Others may be able to express this better than I have here). It is in this other sense that HDR most interests (and impresses) me, and that with limited exploration at this point, that I find it most challenging to use successfully.
    I don't want to pollute the thread but what is HDR? This for instance is 4 exposures ranging form 1/160 sec to 5 secs. Just done to compare software.

    My First Attempt At HDR

    This is the same shots, different package

    My First Attempt At HDR

    Then there is the "HDR look" that doesn't need HDR at all but might be any number of shots.

    My First Attempt At HDR

    I picked a bad one on purpose. Endless variations in the output are possible from barely detectable to as far as some one wants to go. This sort of thing really needs another name.


  19. #19
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Sorry Manfred, but I like the warmer look too.

  20. #20

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    Re: My First Attempt At HDR

    Zak: Your first attempt at high-dynamic range (HDR) imaging works for me. The increased luminosity provides the warmth of a timeless Christmas dream-like memory. The peek-a-poo view of the kitchen is essential to the scene. Good work.

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