A fairly common subject but something which usually causes me a bit of difficulty. Getting correct exposure is tricky even when spot metering so some compensation is needed. Focus is rather shallow even at F11 and auto focus frequently gives false focus so manual focus works best for me; if only the models would keep still long enough for me to do the focusing.
Backgrounds are rarely ideal, hence the exposure tribulations. And the exposure/aperture/iso requirements change as the situation and lighting varies.
7D with Sigma 150-500 lens at 500 on a tripod.
Blackcap male, these tend to be rather forceful around a table top feeder but aren't so keen on visiting the hanging feeders.
Blue Tits are the most frequent visitors to hanging feeders but I always struggle to get them looking sharply focused and they flit about so much that I struggle to follow them when manually focusing.
Chaffinches prefer feeding on the ground or table top feeders but will visit other types of feeder occasionally. This is the female.
Dunnocks rarely visit these feeders and prefer to spend their time hiding in hedges or feeding from the ground and open top feeders.