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Thread: Eye Fi & DeLock Adaptor for Canon 7D to ipad2

  1. #1
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Eye Fi & DeLock Adaptor for Canon 7D to ipad2

    I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions and advice please.
    I have the original mark 1 canon 7D & the ipad second model (I think it's up to 4 now)

    I would like to be able to have my photos wirelessly transfer from the camera direct to the ipad.
    This model camera takes a compact flash card, I was told about this possibility some time ago & I think I need 2 items to make this work? A wifi SD card & a UDMA adaptor?

    My notes from back then are a bit vague & I'm not sure where I even got them from, so if anyone has any up to date experience and advice (particularly if I can source these from Australia) it would be very much appreciated.

    Thankyou in advance!

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Eye Fi & DeLock Adaptor for Canon 7D to ipad2

    You probably don't want to go there. The Eye-Fi system (which is probably the best one out there; perhaps the only one out there) is so slow, that anything over about a 3MB files seems to take forever to transfer. I have one and don't use it anymore because of the speed issue. It had marginally acceptable performance with my 4MP point and shoot camera; but certainly not my 12MP D90.

    If you still want to try it; you need is Eye-Fi Pro X2 SD card (the other cards need a network connection, rather than communicating directly with a device) and the appropriate Eye-Fi software from the Apple App store (free, I believe). There is no CF equivilent, and I don't know how well it would work in a SD to CF adaptor, if at all.

    WiFi solutions sound great, but given the huge amount of data involved, they simply do not keep up with the data throughput realities of a modern camera.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 28th December 2014 at 10:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: Eye Fi & DeLock Adaptor for Canon 7D to ipad2

    Manfred is spot on. The technology is nowhere near there yet as transfer speeds versus a direct plug in or cable are hopeless. Our experience mirrors his.

  4. #4

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    Re: Eye Fi & DeLock Adaptor for Canon 7D to ipad2

    Hi, I use
    It will cost probably under $100 if you search around but it is Android.
    I beleive it is possible to run on the ipad but am not 100% sure.
    I use with a 600D and works great IMO
    on occassion it looses the signal but easy to re-connect.
    Of course you can also do a lot more with it in terms of shoot options attached with the OTG cable or wireless.

  5. #5
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Eye Fi & DeLock Adaptor for Canon 7D to ipad2

    Thankyou Manfred, Adrian & Russell for answering my question.

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