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Thread: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

  1. #81

    Join Date
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Basically OK, Janis. Focus is just right and you nicely show her hair. The pose works, although are her eyes fractionally too closed; almost squinting? But I prefer this to looking excessively open eyed.

    Lighting seems a bit high on her forehead and cheeks, but you may need some make up to 'dust down' her skin instead of attempting to do this with exposure. Perhaps some of our portrait experts can give better advice than me.

    But, I'm being overly critical because you asked for opinions which means I'm comparing your photo against absolute perfection. It is a good portrait.

  2. #82
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Thanks for the feedback, Geoff. I take your points about the eyes and the lighting. I shot this at the end of our session and approached it too hurriedly. In any case, the subject doesn't like it, but doesn't mind this, which was taken at the top of our session, against the window, with on camera flash sheathed in my Rogue softbox.

    Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)DSC_2937 - Version 2 by onesun1moon, on Flickr

    I think maybe the skin is too blotchy? Other than that, do the blown highlights in the hair or any of the other artifacts from shooting backlit distract? Any and all C&C welcome.

    I thought we should shoot something of an environmental portrait, so she drafted a family friend to stand in as a client. This is my choice as the best compromise among exposure, expression and composition. I did eventually shift my perspective to put less space between her and the client, but I don't like her expression as well in those frames; it is either too serious or less natural.

    Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)DSC_2956 - Version 2 by onesun1moon, on Flickr

    We shot a third pose, a longer body shot, but I have yet to finishing working on our choice.

    You will note that the white balance is different in the above two shots. I think I need to bring them closer together, but am at a bit of a loss to know which way to go. I think maybe I should see the colours of her website. She did mention that she had been told to go warm rather than cool. Again, any guidance you care to offer is most welcome.

    If I do not respond right away it is because I am stealing out of town for a bit, where my Internet connection is spotty at best.

  3. #83

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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Hi Janis Portrait experts might make better comments than me , but I can say that those two look better than the first one. Nice looking lady

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
    Thanks for the feedback, Geoff. I take your points about the eyes and the lighting. I shot this at the end of our session and approached it too hurriedly. In any case, the subject doesn't like it, but doesn't mind this, which was taken at the top of our session, against the window, with on camera flash sheathed in my Rogue softbox.

    Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)DSC_2937 - Version 2 by onesun1moon, on Flickr

    I think maybe the skin is too blotchy? Other than that, do the blown highlights in the hair or any of the other artifacts from shooting backlit distract? Any and all C&C welcome.

    I thought we should shoot something of an environmental portrait, so she drafted a family friend to stand in as a client. This is my choice as the best compromise among exposure, expression and composition. I did eventually shift my perspective to put less space between her and the client, but I don't like her expression as well in those frames; it is either too serious or less natural.

    Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)DSC_2956 - Version 2 by onesun1moon, on Flickr

    We shot a third pose, a longer body shot, but I have yet to finishing working on our choice.

    You will note that the white balance is different in the above two shots. I think I need to bring them closer together, but am at a bit of a loss to know which way to go. I think maybe I should see the colours of her website. She did mention that she had been told to go warm rather than cool. Again, any guidance you care to offer is most welcome.

    If I do not respond right away it is because I am stealing out of town for a bit, where my Internet connection is spotty at best.

  4. #84

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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Although the focus is still good these have a slightly 'softer' feel to them which I assume is what was wanted.

    The first one does appear to be fractionally on the blue side.

    But I'm happier photographing bugs than people; so you really need some other opinions.

  5. #85
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Hi Janis

    I'm no portrait expert either but these look good to me. I think they would serve their purpose very well. Your cousin, as portrayed here, does look like she would be an engaging councillor.

    My favourite pose is number 2 (ie the one with the white background), a lovely shot.


  6. #86
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    I'm no portrait photographer, but I do look at a lot of websites. I agree the second and third pictures are better that the first. But is the third here being too happy ? I don't know what she is counselling in, but the third doesn't seem to be serious enough - it's a neat trick to get a 'serious but personable shot' - I think no. 2 is nearly there though if you can get rid of the blue hue.

  7. #87
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Thanks Geoff, Binnur, Dave and Kaye. I too wondered about whether that one shot was too light-hearted, Kaye, so I googled some other local counselling sites. I saw nothing but smiles on the people depicted, but my sample was not huge so I will look again. Thanks for voicing your concern.
    Last edited by purplehaze; 9th April 2015 at 10:38 PM.

  8. #88
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Sorry to be late here, I've missed this post...and will read through them to get some ideas on how to do portraiture...

  9. #89
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Sorry, Izzie, I haven't provided much in the way of how-tos, because I don't really know how to. A couple of things I did learn, though; it would have been helpful to have 1) a clothes brush to get rid of dandruff and fluff; 2) some kind of hair product to control fly-away hair. Also, given the mixed lighting, I should have taken a proper white balance off a grey card.

    The one head shot that was on the cool side, I warmed up in Viveza. I learned tonight that the blue cast is more obvious when viewed on a light grey background than on a dark grey one (to me, at least.)

    Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)DSC_2937 by onesun1moon, on Flickr

    The subject posted the blue version on her Facebook and LinkedIn pages and has been getting positive feedback on it, so that is gratifying.

  10. #90
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52, 1st Quarter by Janis (purplehaze)

    Yes, I can see the blue cast on her hair all right but one positive thing is that she like your shot enough to display it in her facebook account ... comments are always gratifying whether it is to nit-pik or say nice things. We can both learn from feedback. It sure is important too how you take the criticism too; if you get angry, it is because you are only human; if you take it as a learning experience, you win too. There are times that it ain't gonna happen --meaning, not burst into tears for someone being cruel.

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