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Thread: HDR and focus stacking

  1. #1

    HDR and focus stacking

    Hello! I' m absolutely new! I' m italian, I write, speak and undrstand english only for my staying and traveling in UK. and Ireland in the '70 and reading articles, books, newspaper. I do nature photo as amateur, particularly fond in macro and flowers.
    I read a lot about HDR and focus stacking: does Helicon focus and Photomatix have the same use and same tasks? or not? I use a NikonD300 as main body, I use Nikon Capure NX2 as PP program. I'got only a bit acquaintance of Adobe photoshop.
    Thank you!!!

  2. #2
    ashcroft's Avatar
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    rob ashcroft

    Re: HDR and focus stacking


    Hi Valerio. Your English is pretty good, and if your experience is due to being in the UK in the 70's you must be familiar with David Bowie, Margaret Thatcher, and the Mini! Hope you enjoy it here.

  3. #3
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
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    Frank Miller

    Re: HDR and focus stacking

    Quote Originally Posted by Valerio Tarone View Post
    Hello! I' m absolutely new! I' m italian, I write, speak and undrstand english only for my staying and traveling in UK. and Ireland in the '70 and reading articles, books, newspaper. I do nature photo as amateur, particularly fond in macro and flowers.
    I read a lot about HDR and focus stacking: does Helicon focus and Photomatix have the same use and same tasks? or not? I use a NikonD300 as main body, I use Nikon Capure NX2 as PP program. I'got only a bit acquaintance of Adobe photoshop.
    Thank you!!!
    Hi Valerio, welcome to CiC!

    Both Helicon Focus and Photomatix involve the bracketing of multiple images, but for different purposes.

    Helicon Focus uses multiple images with different focus points to enhance the Depth of Field of the final image.

    Photomatix is a tool which uses multiple images with different exposures to compress the dynamic exposure range to, in simple terms, take a high contrast image and allow you to see the details in the shadows and avoid blown highlights.

    In this thread I have combined both types of multiple images into a single result.

  4. #4

    Re: HDR and focus stacking

    Thank you ashcroft, ....also a member of the swinging London! also Beatles and Rolling Stones. Also a witness of the riots in Northern Ireland!

  5. #5

    Re: HDR and focus stacking

    Hi Frank, thanks.
    the setting of the forum looks familiar to me.
    Understood, well. I'll need some months to buy the licences.

  6. #6

    Re: HDR and focus stacking

    ashcroft,... also traveling in the last 12 years to Cyprus, India, Egypt,Southafrica, Namibia,..Yemen, Spain(some places as Canary are like british colonies!). I need some time to prepare my presentation. My usual photo'gymnic' are the Alps surrounding Alps. In the recent years I meet more and more british, german, dutch visitors in the Alps: I'm glad for this, I think they're worth of.
    Special point: i should like to go again to West Southafrica, including Kalahari, namaqualand, if possible also garden route and small Karoo. i search for a companion to avoid solitude and for mutual help. I think to insert it. Is it Ok?

  7. #7

    Re: HDR and focus stacking

    ashcroft,,, and i've seen Wales and London a few days ago in the film 'Pride'.. i always see with pleasure anglo and irish cinema, not only for the nice directors and the excellent actors, also for some nostalgic reminds.

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