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Thread: I love trees...

  1. #1
    bleys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    British Columbia, Canada

    I love trees... much so that I decided to try my hand in growing some conifers, my fav kind. These ones are Picea abies, commonly known as Norway spruce, although they most probably are a cultivated variety and not a natural variety (the tree I got the cones from was in someone's yard so I'm almost positive they're a cultivar). However, watching life unfold before your eyes is amazing no matter what species or variety.

    The pic itself isn't amazing as I don't have any editing software on my computer besides MS Paint (sigh), but I just thought I'd share.

    I love trees...

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: I love trees...

    A few years ago, I did get some free Norway Spruce seeds from a Guinness special offer 'Grow your own Christmas Tree'.

    Everyone germinated, which really surprised me. I managed to give a few plants away and still have 2 in pots; but they are getting too big for their containers now and my garden isn't suitable to allow these massive trees to reach full size.

    Possibly, I might manage to keep one of them for another few years if I get a bigger container.

    It is amazing to think that something so large starts off as a tiny seedling like those in your photo.

  3. #3

    Re: I love trees...

    I too love trees. We had a present of a pine tree which was 12in high in 2000. As I look out of my study window now I see this monster that is about 25ft tall, and rapidly taking over our garden.

    How about having a tree thread for tree shots?

  4. #4
    bleys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    British Columbia, Canada

    Re: I love trees...

    You've inspired me to try to find some awesome trees to shoot! Pity the cherry blossoms are gone already.

  5. #5

    Re: I love trees...

    Quote Originally Posted by bleys View Post
    You've inspired me to try to find some awesome trees to shoot! Pity the cherry blossoms are gone already.
    OK. I have started a tree thread here TREE THREAD - Post your tree shots here

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