Last edited by zkogut; 8th January 2015 at 12:22 AM.
I think its complete, just needs a few tweaks such as the darkish shadow on the neck crease.
I think it looks great - wouldn't change anything.
Zak, if this is just a hobby, you are in the wrong business. This is a superb piece of work. As for tweaks, less is more. Don't make it look artificial. It looks pretty natural at the moment.
Exquisite, Zak. Just watched Charade a couple of days ago and was thinking how I miss her.
I'm enjoying these, Zak, they are very interesting. This one is excellent, and Audrey was so attractive she always took a good shot. How about Laurel and Hardy as they mostly appear as BW shots?
I am not usually a fan of colorization, but you just converted me. it's so very natural. it's just gorgeous!!! Your wife did an amazing job teaching you about make-up.
Zak wonderful jobs all of them! After you mentioned the color of her eyes, I wondered if Portrait Pro 9 would do that. Ufortunately this did not work because the eyes became a flashy emerald green...
The only thing that I don't like so much about this image, is not your doing but, is the fault of the original photographer. I don't like the flash of highlight on her neck, image left.
Beautiful work. A few suggestions for future works----Lucille Ball, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Cash, Lauren Bacall.
Stunning, & my vote for next would be Lauren Baccall as well.
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! (yes, Audrey Hepburn is gorgeous but I'm referring to your colour version of the image) The make up looks natural.