Well done and very imaginative.
I like the composition and the drop shadow from the horse but if I were doing it I would avoid any shadow in the sky.
Out of bounds -- very nice. I love it. Used to do some of them for ProShow for slides. Panos-fx was my source for instructions and training the past...Here I like the book, the idea and the creativity you put in it...
Nice concept and capture.
Thanks L.Paul, for the comment. I see you are not far from me.
Wow, that worked out very well! One thing lacking in the photography world is creativity. Wish I had that much of it!
Hi Jill: I agree that the subject works quite nicely for this type of treatment. My only quibble would be that the squiggly pattern on the bottom of the book pages is a bit distracting.
Izzie,You have just cost me hours of time. I have just looked at Panos-fx and I will explore it properly later. It looks exciting. I use ProShow but don't know other people that do so this is great. Looking forward to other snippets of information.
Thanks Nick, I don't always feel I have it so that is good for my confidence. Jill
Very nice indeed!
I know my Equestrian friends would love sometng like this!
For me the pattern on the book at the bottom distracts, but I love the shadow in the sky!
Very subjective from another (expat) NZer (from the deep Deep South, next step Antartica)
I really like it Jill.
Kay, It never occurred to me about the book pattern distracting, I will have to think about that. Thanks for the comment.
I am (expat) Australian, Newcastle.
Thanks Jill
A few of us here does...I know Grahame (Stagecoach) does or was that John2?...they have been good to me like On One support, always there. Then there's ProShow Enthusiasts, where I go every now and then...what I do is create the process to create either transistion or slide effects. Then there is Pete@palwebs who gives freebies for Producer 5 and 6. I do not know how to buy stuffs from him yet because he is located in the UK...I will find out soon when I get desperate... He has tutorials too. My best favourite is at
There are really some beautiful animations there that are useful for my show. I give the authors credit at the Credit frame at the end for those that I use. I haven't been there for quite sometime so when I visit I tend to spend quite a lot of time going through the process of elimination because everytime I go back there are a lot of submissions. All of them are for free too. If you haven't been there, you're going to love that site. I do about 5 or 6 of presentations each year for my husband's flying club, plus the air shows I wanted to remember being in and our traveling stuffs. It is nice to compile them as "memory". This winter I would like to improve the basics of photography because I hate going out in the cold. It is like entering a freezer out there.
Last edited by IzzieK; 12th January 2015 at 11:07 PM.
I haven't seen dreamscene.org before but the others I have touched on. There is so much to learn it's like information overload. I use mine for mainly travel but also the local camera club and lately creating quick video in a frame of a still picture as a greeting. Thanks for the information. Maybe sometime I will see your work.
I used the animations there at dreamscene as either the background to my slide to accompany my effects (as I like a lot of actions in my show) or as a transition. Try it in your travel scenes to help tell a story. I upload my still images in Flickr and YouTube for my presentation for a week or so then I get it down. I had a bad experience with Facebook when someone admitted to downloading my story of the rescue of an old airplane from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia then said he is on his way to Paris. Whart irked me is that he is also an artist, a struggling one too if I may add. He should know better. No wonder he cannot find a proper job. He has no ethics at all. I cannot run after him because he is the son of my husband's friend whom he lived with in the American compound dedicated to Americans living in Jeddah. So I don't store stuffs anywhere. Hard drives are cheap enough and I have one backup in Australia since I still have a property there.