Nice effort, what shutterspeed and ISO were you using?
Your EXIF do not show the far are you from this birdie? Very nice. I have my 300mm for my birding last year and did not quite made the distance...
You have done well. beautifully caught, well timed,
The only think I could possibly say to improve, though this is debatable. The white on the back of the bird and under his wing could be toned down just a bit.
My eye goes there and wants to stay.
Barbara, you've got quite the variety of birds there. This one is an osprey.
Very nice! Great detai!l!
Well captured and always a bonus if you can get a complete reflection as you did here.
Thanks all! Izzie and John the EXIF ISO 320, F/8, 1/640, 600mm (300 with 2x converter) Izzie, this was also cropped a bit not quite the reach I needed but doable.
I have to learn how to use my 2x is gathering dust on my shelf... because I am never satisfied with the results I get from it since Day 1.I do not think I need some prime lens either. I need to push myself to take shots like yours.
Super image - not the most favorable background/foreground but the bird is brilliant and stands out well.
Thanks Mark