Not long ago I was having a beer with a fellow amateur photographer and he brought up the subject of "gamma" as it applies to digital imaging. He was stimulated (and puzzled) by a long contentious argument in an internet photo forum. Between us we don't command a wealth of information nor an in-depth understanding of the subject, beyond what one finds at numerous internet sites. What I mean to say is, I have read many of the most frequently cited articles, (among which the quality varies from clearly flawed, to murky, to comprehensible but incomplete), and there are still obvious gaps in my understanding.
Most recently I have read the tutorial published by CinC "Understanding Gamma Correction". It ranks as one of the best, but I still come away with the feeling that there are some very obvious unanswered questions, at least in my mind. A search of this site with the key words "gamma correction" shows that I am not alone. There I found many good questions and a few clear and concise answers. Still I remain unsatisfied.
I should state at the outset that I have a reasonably good background in math and science, but no particular knowledge of digital imaging or any of the associated diciplines. Given that limitation I set out to construct a tutorial (only for my own edification) based on a few accepted facts and some reasonable assumptions.
I would like to submit this explication to the readers of this forum for the purpose of obtaining critical feedback and especially corrections, when I have erred in my assumptions or conclusions. I hesitate to proceed with this project, first because I am very much a newcomer to this site, and also in that I am concerned many may find it not an acceptable use of the forum or a waste of your bandwidth; It may require a few lengthy posts. So I post this preamble to "test the water", and welcome your comments.