It's workable. Nice start.
Definitely workable though not as inspiring as you can be. To make the image a unified whole rather than two distinct parts, consider moving the orb into the center of the galaxy, perhaps to imply motion, perhaps to imply only the center of the galaxy, perhaps to imply both.
What Mike said/suggested, or something else to cope with the sense one gets that this is two different images in the same frame. Part of the issue is that the spiral is so soft and muted and the sphere is so opposite, so bright and sharp. Perhaps some convergence on those aspects could be part of a solution too?
I wasn't clear...the orb is displayed only to show on what the galaxy is based.
The galaxy example, at present, is all I'm concerned with.![]()
The galaxy thingie doesn't work for me on its own because it's so symmetrical, organized and lacking interesting color.
Placing the Orb in the galaxy will not work well and shown separately is a good idea Chauncey simply because the 'orb' will just be a pinpoint in the context of the galaxy. I agree with Mike the Galaxy is a bit symmetrical though there are spiral galaxies like the Triangulum for example and even our very own Milky Way. I have a few images of the galaxy but not on the scale you want but you can search M33 or such and take it from thereon.