At home we have a large walk-in pantry located just off the wash room near the back door. Since we tend to buy things in bulk from Costco the pantry tends to stay pretty well stocked. Including all of he dog treats. We also keep Grace's balls and toys in there. They are simply in one of those thin plastic grocery bags(outlawed in some places) and hang on a hook about four feet up the wall. We have one of those "chuckit" slings and it stays in the bag with the balls.
So this morning I was busy in he back of the house and my bride was in he shower. Grace began barking. Anyone who lives with dogs learns to interpret their various bark tones. Grace has a particularly broad vocabulary and at the moment she was using her "I'm really annoyed please get in here" bark. The typical use of said bark would be due to a ball rolling under a sofa or someplace where she needs help getting it. Since we were both busy this carried on for ten or fifteen minutes.
I finally finished what I was doing and came in to get her ball for her. But she wasn't in the living room. She barked again from the vicinity of he pantry/washroom. One of my basic training philosophies with dogs is that it's easier to avoid their developing bad habits than it is to break them. So we are fairly disciplined at avoiding putting our dogs in he way of temptation. Particularly when they are young. But this morning we had left the pantry door open. I found Grace sitting there staring at the bag that contains her balls/toys. She was barking for us to come get the chuckit and throw a ball for her. Nothing in the pantry was touched, including all of her treats, chew bones, and the flimsy sack full of toys. She was just sitting there, not so patiently waiting for someone to come play.
So, good dog? Or too stupid to take advantage of the opportunity?
The episode inspired me to move off of he wildlife files for a while and go through family shots from last year. Here a few of Grace. (imagine what I would subject you all to if we had kids playing sports)
1) Just from a walk in the park. D7100, 80-400 AF-S
And a few from out on our boat trips on Prince William Sound. All with D7100 and 70-200mm f4.