I am new to digital and p/p techniques. I'm an old school film guy learning the in's and out's of a new Cannon 6D full format camera. It does way more than the old F1. Lots to learn. I welcome all remarks.
I am new to digital and p/p techniques. I'm an old school film guy learning the in's and out's of a new Cannon 6D full format camera. It does way more than the old F1. Lots to learn. I welcome all remarks.
Last edited by ragman; 18th January 2015 at 07:57 PM.
Hi Ron and welcome, but if there is supposed to be an image here for us to comment upon, i cant see it!
Thanks Mark...I am also computer challenged! I can't figure out the way to insert a pic to this web. My wife is a retired system analyst and is also challenged by the complexity. Any suggestions? Ron
use photobucket and copy/paste the link
Or GO ADVANCED on your post and follow themanage attachment link
heres the thred you need to read:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
most of the how to threads are stickied in the community lounge forum![]()
Welcome to CiC... I see that you shot with a Canon F-1; great camera. I used a Canon A-1 for years and skipped the entire EOS Canon auto-focus film camera line.
There are several ways to insert your images... Some folks use Flickr which is now free. I use smugmug.com. Smugmug is a fee service but, I think that the five bucks a month is well worth it.
Waiting to see your time lapse...
Thanks to all for the encouraging words. Please be patient with me...I am determined!http://s8.tinypic.com/50f77r_th.jpg
almost there Ron, you need to make the image bigger, output in a standard JPEG and tinypix will resize it for you, do it this way until you learn a little more about post processing (PP)
Already looks beautiful for a good start...need more patience Ron and you will get it....still waiting...
Thanks Mark, when I did that it stopped part way and said picture was too big. I will try again. I'm thinking this picture is going to be a big letdown to many people !
One more try at sending pic...
Ron...I have not tried Tinypics to upload a time lapse but what I did with my videos and animations that I made, I upload it to YouTube and put a link. But we have a member here, his name is Rob Ashcroft and he told me once that to share a YouTube video, at the bottom of the video itself is an option to Share. Click that button and somehow a link will show up. Copy and paste it to your message here and it will show up on your message. Or just click on the link where the url is and copy and paste it with your message. Then we can all just click the link to YouTube direct. So you have two options here..choose which is best for you. We live and learn...Don't give up...yet.
Had trouble with that upload process until I tried turning off the Pop-Up Blocker in Internet Explorer - works fine now....
Hi Ron, as small as the image is it looks great to me! How big is the image that your trying to up load ? what software are you using to output it? is it a still picture or a time lapse video that your trying to post?
Izzie, I miss lead everyone by calling this a "time lapse" shot. It actually is a two photo stacked shot taken at early dawn. The reason I stacked it is to benefit from two different exposures. My terminology is not yet up to speed and I apologize for that. My posting issues lie in my lack of computer skills and difficulty sizing the photo for jpg. This is a new camera for me and I am overwhelmed with all the techie stuff that goes with it. I had a Canon F-1 that felt like my left hand and now I'm all thumbs. I really appreciate everyone's patients with my posting problems, but I think I am gaining on it. Take care...Ron
Mark, I took your advice and worked my way thru trying to re-size the pic. I was able to re-size to 700 pc max as you suggested and it did go thru as a thumb print. Perhaps you saw it in the "practice" section of CiC. As I mentioned to Izzie, this is a two photo "stack" for merging the exposure, and not time lapse. I will continue to work on my p/p skills with the lame software I have and eventually get photoshop to fine tune. Thanks for your input...Ron
Thanks Denny...I will look into that.