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Thread: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

  1. #21

    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Izzie, great shot of the engine (fire truck). Mid-60's IH? Like Geoff (above) said, perfect composition. Is that volly department still around? If so they might like a copy of their old engine. Is this engine left outside all year or kept in a hanger? Shame to see this old piece just rot away outside.
    The chart (on the pump panel) is a reference for the engineer to maintain a constant pressure at the tip (nozzle).
    Third shot, see if you can cut the weeds and maybe get the full IH badge on the hood. Looks like a winch setup to me on the front bumper of another piece.
    Love to see more shots of the engine (fire truck), a lot there than you can shoot.

    *Edit - just looked it up, the IH is a 1968.
    Last edited by flashback; 22nd January 2015 at 08:34 PM.

  2. #22

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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Izzie, I liked the first set especially 3 and 4. This second set fire truck is wonderful!

  3. #23
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    That fire truck photo from the last set is looking good. Exactly the right angle and perfect background sky.
    Thanks Geoff....I appreciate your comment and praise. When it comes from you, I know I am doing well so far. Thanks again.

  4. #24
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Izzie, great shot of the engine (fire truck). Mid-60's IH? Like Geoff (above) said, perfect composition. Is that volly department still around? If so they might like a copy of their old engine. Is this engine left outside all year or kept in a hanger? Shame to see this old piece just rot away outside.
    The chart (on the pump panel) is a reference for the engineer to maintain a constant pressure at the tip (nozzle).
    Third shot, see if you can cut the weeds and maybe get the full IH badge on the hood. Looks like a winch setup to me on the front bumper of another piece.
    Love to see more shots of the engine (fire truck), a lot there than you can shoot.

    *Edit - just looked it up, the IH is a 1968.
    Thank you, Jack. You know your firetrucks that is why I ask for a comment and critique. Ah...what is a volley department? This truck has been there ever since I remember and I always go and take a shot of it. This time around the clouds were in my favour because of its thick textures. I think this one or the other one is one of the best in one showing or two. I noticed the plate on one of them. I will take a closer look...we did not go out today because it was too cold and lots to do in the house, plus taxes...

    OK. I will bring my secateur Saturday. It will be a good day then and take some more photos of this area...tomorrow is a bit of no-no as for going out. Shopping day for me.

  5. #25
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara Ponder View Post
    Izzie, I liked the first set especially 3 and 4. This second set fire truck is wonderful!
    Thanks Barbara for looking and commenting and picking a favourite amongst them. I used to be disappointed with my shots but I think it has to be my camera... next time when I can afford it, my good shots will be because of my lens. Can't wait...LOL come on you gotta smile....

  6. #26

    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Izzie, a volly is a volunteer fire department (or volunteer firefighter), as opposed to paid/career. Did a quick search, that truck appears to have come out of Kentucky; it's a long way from home.

  7. #27
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Izzie, a volly is a volunteer fire department (or volunteer firefighter), as opposed to paid/career. Did a quick search, that truck appears to have come out of Kentucky; it's a long way from home.
    Oh OK...volley for volunteer...I have friends around who do just that, one in Nevada and another a retired fire chief in Oregon. Australia has a lot of volunteers, they are called SES (Special Emergency Services). Their Prime Minister, Tony Abbott is a volunteer especially during the summer when they have bush fires.

    I certainly will do some research and ask questions about those firetrucks from the owners. I suspect they came from the farm next door to the airport. Theis Farm is still there but their land is fast disappearing...We are not as big as the Spirit of St. Louis yet but one day we might with all the farm lands around there being sold as and for commercial properties now.

    Thanks for all the encouragements, everybody and all who commented on my post this time around...I truly appreciate your inputs for my learning.

  8. #28
    cuilin's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    i love that firetruck from your second set!

  9. #29
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Nice shots Izzie. You are getting better at spotting details . Keep up the good work

  10. #30
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Really like the B&W shot, weeds included, gives it a sense of time

  11. #31
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    I like the composition. The truck looks good from this angle against the cloudy sky. Great shot!

  12. #32
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Excellent angle on the fire truck, Izzie! What is that I see reflected in the bumper?

  13. #33
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Thank you Beth and Mark for your kind response. I do appreciate it very much.
    Gerry and Joe...thank you for your comments. Gerry, I went to Creve Coeur yesterday but it was a bit too sunny that I do not think I did very well there with my shots. This tax time is taking a lot of my time... and it is exactly what I thought about the weeds. Forgot to bring the secateurs too. Oh well...

    Joe...I was lucky to have that textured clouds against it so I took it and run away with it. I think the frame did a lot to show it off too.

    Janis on the far left side of the reflections is an airplane or two parked outside some hangars was a wider space there up front...right after the middle is another airplane, just a two seater. The left hand side airplane is much bigger, a 4 seater. And at the very right side that brown structure is a row of hangars (older styles built around the 1970's), line on top of that is an oncoming wing of an airplane about to land or just landed on the airstrips. We are not allowed to drive there but sometimes I get away with it because I do not have to dodge those cars parked there during weekends I am there. I don't go there often but this week is my Creve Coeur Airport Theme week. Thank you for viewing and commenting and asking questions. I appreciate that very much I had learned from you lately, I might go back to studio next week or something...

  14. #34

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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Izzie, I came to this rather late but this series is a lot of fun. I must remember that sign.

  15. #35
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    Re: Project 52 Week 4 Creve Coeur shoot

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    Izzie, I came to this rather late but this series is a lot of fun. I must remember that sign.
    Which one? The coffee one or the other one I found at the front of the men's room? Thanks for looking and commenting. I really do appreciate it very much...

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