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Thread: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

  1. #1

    Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Well I am truly down in the dumps so i am going to burden you all with it...and maybe someone knows of someone with similar difficulties.

    I suffered from permanent deafness in my left ear a few years back when a virus damaged my inner ear. At that time I had a couple of meniers attacks but they subsided and were short lived and manageable. Now sods law being strictly applied in my life in general I have developed an infection in my right ear (I already use an hearing aid in that ear). Now you may be thinking why the hell is this relevant to photography, after all you use your eyes not your lugs. Thats what I thought but this latest bout has left me practically deaf and when I look through the view finder my head spins and I get the irresistible urge to vomit all over my equipment. The doc has given me some pills for the vomiting thing but the giddiness prevails. I see an ENT consultant later this week so I dare say I will get more information then. Its a pain though. I will have to start using live view and a tripod more often if nothing can be done.

    If anyone has any suggestions of how I might tackle using the camera at this stage I will be grateful.


  2. #2

    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Sorry to hear of your problems, Steve. I know someone who had meniers and it was most unpleasant. You are no doubt feeling sick as the ear is an important component in balance, so bending over the camera is probably not good. Liveview probably is the best option, and try to avoid bending down. What's happening regards your job?

    Hope all goes well with the ENT, and you get it sorted. I know from experience (eyes not ears) that these things can be worrying, but the best thing is to see an expert and get all the info you can before you worry too much.

  3. #3
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Steve, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope experts can help and you feel better soon.

  4. #4

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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    I see an ENT consultant later this week so I dare say I will get more information then. Its a pain though. I will have to start using live view and a tripod more often if nothing can be done.

    If anyone has any suggestions of how I might tackle using the camera at this stage I will be grateful.

    Steve: I was wondering what was happening with you, I'm glad you posted. I'm very sorry to hear that your condition is not getting better, and I hope that you get some relief when you see the specialist.

    In the meantime, keep thinking creative thoughts, and perhaps get your daughter to take the photos for now. If I recall correctly, you mentioned that she was interested in photography as a career. This might be a good time to get her at the other end of the camera.

    Best wishes and keep us informed.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally


    I have no knowledge of the circumstances about which you write, so can only offer you my concerns and share my sense of 'injustice' that you should find yourself in this situation. And admiration that you took the decision to post the information on here.

    But ... you will not be cast into the flames of hell if you use Liveview and a Tripod. I am proof. Live on the edge - go for it!!

  6. #6
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    I hope you get well soon, I'm a big supporter of using technology to achieve the same things easier than not using it. If I had live view I would probably use it a lot.

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Quote Originally Posted by JK6065 View Post
    Steve, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope experts can help and you feel better soon.
    And do I Steve.
    Sorry to read this.
    Don't go down, you are quite a shooter my friend !

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally


    That's awful, I am so sorry to hear this news and hope the specialist can offer some assistance in dealing with the conditions.

    I generally don't drink much because I know I'm very susceptible to the spinning/nausea problem myself and it outlasts the (dubious) benefits of being drunk, so I can relate to the effects and hence go out of my way to avoid them - which makes me a boring old f**t at parties
    Obviously what I can't relate to is the injustice of it; at least my (heart) health problems are largely self inflicted, I've been lucky so far in other respects.

    Similarly, I can't do those Imax things, or large screen TV up close; I just get too queasy if my entire field of vision is moving and my body isn't - sort of same, but opposite to your problem.

    I guess under certain conditions; if you keep both eyes open and there's a strong visual reference which the non-viewfinder eye can latch onto, you might get away with it, but I can only begin to imagine how difficult this makes life.

    I think Donald's reply summed up my initial thoughts most accurately, although personally I'm not so sure about using a tripod , but Live View is cool.

    I hope you find a way out of 'the dumps' soon, though I can well understand how you're there.
    I really hope you find a way to cope and you continue to post here as I have often found you work an inspiration.

    Not sure my ramblings are much help, but we're all thinking of you and wish you well.

    Your friend,

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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Wow - sorry to hear about that. All I can think of is "be sure to mention it" to the ENT specialist.

    Thoughts will be with you.

  10. #10
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Sorry that you're experiencing such uncomfortable sensations along with the ear problem.
    I hope the doctor can get you back on the mend quickly.

    Like all have said,give LV a go.

  11. #11

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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    I am very sorry Steve that you have these problems. I can only endorse what has been said by others in this thread, especially using Live View and a tripod. I think it is important Steve that you find a support group with folk who have the same or similar problems. Your local Hearing Association could well help you find a group where you will receive help to come to terms with your disability. You can then begin to find other ways of engaging in your creative hobby. I too have a disability. Not your one, but a painful arthritis means I can no longer hike or climb for landscapes nor can I get down to the level of the plants I used to photograph. So I have found other kinds of photography as very fulfilling substitutes. Perhaps in time, as your condition settles down, you will find a new direction for your skills. Recently I taught photography at a day seminar for the deaf via sign language interpreters. It was very interesting experience and they appreciated it.

  12. #12
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally


    Best of luck!

  13. #13
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Sorry to hear the story. Hope you get well soon...

  14. #14
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Thinking of you Steve. Hang in there mate.

  15. #15

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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    I enjoy viewing your photos, Steve, and hope that your ear will heal with no permanent effects. All the best.


  16. #16

    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    I am genuinely moved by all your responses and they have helped think about how to move forward. I am actually quite positive this week and have an appointment with my audiologist on Thursday before I see the consultant. I can see from some of your comments that there are all sorts of problems out there but we just need to get on with what we enjoy in the best way we can. I was in two minds whether to post because I hate to think of myself as a whinger but I am glad I did now. I will dig out that 40D manual and get on with it.

    What's happening regards your job?
    I supply consultancy services in the nuclear safety field and the clients have been most understanding. They have plenty of work for me and will do all they can to help me contribute. I will know better on Thursday what level of assistance I will require to get my hearing level so that I can work in my normal environment. Antihistamine nd sea sickness pills can be used to help with the motion difficulties. At the moment I have some hearing in my right ear when I use my existing aid and people are a couple of feet away but it is very low and is distorted so that everyone sounds like Stephen Hawking!

    Thanks again all, you have given me a much needed boost.


  17. #17

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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Sorry to hear about your problem and glad you are feeling more positive now. As Winston Churchill used to say K.B.O.


  18. #18

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    Re: Photography Makes Me Sick...literally

    Hi, Steve;

    Sorry to hear about the ear problem, but I'm glad the people who you consult with appreciate you enough that they're working with you. Like we do!!

    One thought, since liveview may not always be convenient: have you tried looking through the viewfinder and keeping the other eye open, as some people teach for using a rifle scope? Having a horizon for one eye that doesn't move when you move the camera might help.

    Best regards;

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