I like the way you captured the vapor rising from the chicken.
The one on the left is a classic shot, and the one on the right has a few hot spots. I think this might be a can-didate for a photo competition. Or are you just having a Warhol moment?
John,Brian,Rob,thanks for the kind comments,much appreciated.....
Caught in their natural surroundings. Well done.
You crack me up!!!!! I love it! And will remember this even after I wake up in the yawning to entertain myself here at CiC. Thanks for the laugh. I really needed that. Badly.
Greg,Izzzie,big thanks for nice comments,glad you had a giggle Izzie
Last edited by Benjy; 23rd January 2015 at 08:37 PM.
Giggle?? Giggle?? I have been giggling almost all day just thinking how creative you can be with your title alone and the cans...before I can do my reshoot at the airport the sun was already up...Oh gosh...it can be a distraction just doing my wifey-do things here if I have another giggle like that...Thanks...
Neat! A stout piece of string and you have the makings of an antique smartphone!
Thanks Frank,thoughts of when I was a boy....
I Canna get my head round this
Peter,TWO CANS.....TOUCANS....
That is beautiful! Excellent Shot!!!
Peter,James,Thanks for nice comments....