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Thread: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

  1. #1

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    LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    I've been thinking about lenses lately, particularly wide/ultra-wide angle. Since I shoot both full frame and APS-C format it would be nice if I could have an inventory that is usable on both. For example the full frame 14-24mm would give me UWA to WA zoom for full frame and WA zoom range for APS-C. I've always liked shooting full frame lenses on the cropped body because the center is typically the sharpest part of a lens.

    But then it occurred to me, there is also substantially less distortion in the portion of the full frame lens that would be used by the cropped sensor. So how does LR handle that? If you click on the lens profile correction in LR, does it read the camera info and adjust accordingly or does is simply adjust the whole frame to a given geometry regardless of sensor format?

    Has anyone ever delved into this? I realize that I can set up some tests and/or research this. Which is exactly what I'm doing here. This is my first step of research.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    LR reads the camera exif info, if your lens isn't supported you can do it manually.

  3. #3

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    Re: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    zm m lightroom uses both camera and lens - however you can apply what you want - so for example for my 14mm I downloaded the profile for a FF 5D II and the 14mm Samyang and put it into lightroom, then apply this to the relevent images.

  4. #4
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    Congratulations I understood the question....

    I am constantly doing lens corrections for an old 15-30mm Sigma but as I am more interested in perspective corrections I do it all in manual and tweak any barrel distortion manually. So I could only guess at an answer.

    However you could test what happens by taking a photo using D800/10 in FX mode then switching to DX and taking another at the same focal length. In LR do the auto adjust and compare the cropped area. May be interesting if you also zoomed in FX mode to match the DX photo. I may even try it myself.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 25th January 2015 at 03:54 AM.

  5. #5

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    Re: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Congratulations I understood the question.......
    It's amazing how rarely that happens due to either sending or receiving end, isn't it?

    Thanks for the replies. I don't know why I ask questions like this. I'm so hard headed that I'll need to satisfy myself anyway. So I'll take the suggestion and set up a test with the D810. The widest thing I have right now is a 28mm prime but it will have to do. And I'll have to come up with a target that will make results obvious. A brick wall would do nicely but 1) they aren't all that common in Alaska, and 2) it's snowing rather badly

    I'll report back. Eventually...

  6. #6
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    It's amazing how rarely that happens due to either sending or receiving end, isn't it?

    Thanks for the replies. I don't know why I ask questions like this. I'm so hard headed that I'll need to satisfy myself anyway. So I'll take the suggestion and set up a test with the D810. The widest thing I have right now is a 28mm prime but it will have to do. And I'll have to come up with a target that will make results obvious. A brick wall would do nicely but 1) they aren't all that common in Alaska, and 2) it's snowing rather badly

    I'll report back. Eventually...
    You may strike a red herring in that LR may accurately correct a FX wide angle on say a D7100 but not do it correctly when it is on a D810 set to DX mode. You may be headed for many months of research. Interior shots of a window or door may work and give you a (worthwhile?) project to spend the winter indoors in comfort.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: LR Cropped Format Lens Corrections?

    Another option might be DxO Optics pro; their database is different than Adobe's and contains some camera / lens combinations that ACR / LR does not.

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