We all have been well over exposed to captures of 'tame' roos innocuously posing in parks earning their keep by encouraging tourists to visit and help keep the cash box full.
So how many get to see 'roos using one's driveway as a thoroughfare on a regular basis?
Thanks for stopping by to have a look at what is a pretty common sight here. We have to drive carefully and give right of way especially when driving in at night. They are definitely road hogs and I suspect prone to a hissy fit of road rage if their right of way were to be challenged by us.
And as for all the carry on about the overwhelming snow, freezing rain and gale force, bone chilling winds being so catastrophic up in the Northern hemisphere? Kid stuff. If you want to know about serious catastrophes let me tell you about ours. We wanted a simple upgrade in phone and internet service. Piece of cake we were told, all up and running in a the swish of a fan dancer's fan. Yeah! Well, we were without house phones and internet for nearly two weeks, two bloody whole weeks, before they got it right. Now that is what I would call a disaster of major magnitude! Thank goodness it was considered merely a minor hiccup quickly remedied. Image if it had been classified as a serious major service difficulty. Bitter wars have been fought over less!