He is a gorgeous cat!
A very enjoyable photograph. Tonal range excellent. The I'm happy, smug what are you going to do about it, defiant look fits in well with your background information. A slightly tighter crop (bit off the left and starting at the wood on the bottom) maybe worth considering.
Looks like defiance to me. Nicely captured.
Without a word of commentary, that expression clearly says that something is amiss. It's almost like he's daring you to do something about it.
Walking on kitchen counters with the same feet that stomp around in the litter box is one of my primary objections to felines...
Now dogs, on the other hand, simply lick your face with the same tongue that they use on the opposite end of their own anatomy. So precious when they do that...![]()
Certainly your best image yet, Kim!
Not a thing wrong with that ISO 10,000. Good for you for doing what had to be done to get the shot and then determining later whether it works.
For me it's the richness of the tones that make this a 'stand out' image.
Brought a smile on a less than great day.
Accomplished photo, too.
I knew seeing a cat on the counter may bother some Dan. But when you have animals in the house, that's why there is always disinfectant near by. The interesting part is, I am a bit of a germaphobe; but, people freak me out more than animals :-)
Catman is a bit of a naughty cat. We tell him repeatedly that he's lucky he's part of family without kids, otherwise he prob would have been rehomed due to his biting, and chewing of any and all wires he can get his mouth on.
Really nice, Kim.
I love the b&w conversion.
You must be loving the flexibility of your new camera!!!!
That is such a beautiful shot, Kim. Don't worry about Dan --- even though he said what he said, he is such a softie when it comes to Grace licking him all over and giving him her precious doggie baths.![]()
This time, I'm saying B&W was the best thing you could do! It makes it work really well.
That' s one posh upmarket cat there Kim and very well captured.
I'll show it to the cat that's recently adopted me, he may get some idea of looking smart![]()