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Thread: Low key examples?

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Jan 2015

    Low key examples?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm hoping to find an answer to complete a task: I have to (quote from the brief I have) "Photograph a scene that has dark tones throughout, and rich deep shadows in it. Avoid photographing bright objects or scenes that are brightly lit. This means that your scene should be predominately dark to mid- toned, with most areas being no brighter than the middle of the RGB scale". So my tutor wants a low key photograph, but not the type you create by having everything dark and one subject lit by artificial lights etc.
    I've been looking around for days (on internet but also walking around my city for inspiration), but I still have no idea of what an image of this type might be.

    Does anyone have suggestions/examples/tips?

    Thank you:-)

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Low key examples?

    How about a darkened stairwell or an abandoned warehouse?

  3. #3
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: Low key examples?

    Hi Kiara, welcome to C&C. Try to complete your full profile details like location etc., In reply to your question, not sure but would a landscape at sunset help? or perhaps a cave or inside of a museum or chapel using slightly longer exposures? I am sure experienced members will chime in though.

  4. #4
    Venser's Avatar
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    Re: Low key examples?

    Here are a couple from my portfolio:
    Low key examples?

    Low key examples?

    Here's a link to a winning image of some random online competition.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Low key examples?

    The photo below of a roll of gaffer's tape, which is made in color, meets all of your tutor's criteria though perhaps to the extreme. Though the second photo includes a "bright object" (the candle flame), it meets all of the criteria regarding the tones. Notice that their respective histograms also prove that the two photos meet the criteria.

    Photo 1
    Low key examples?

    Histogram of Photo 1
    Low key examples?

    Photo 2
    Low key examples?

    Histogram of Photo 2
    Low key examples?

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Low key examples?

    Here are some examples of low key imagery

  7. #7

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    Re: Low key examples?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiara View Post
    Hi everyone,

    . . . ." Photograph a scene that has dark tones throughout, and rich deep shadows in it. Avoid photographing bright objects or scenes that are brightly lit. This means that your scene should be predominately dark to mid- toned, with most areas being no brighter than the middle of the RGB scale". So my tutor wants a low key photograph, but not the type you create by having everything dark and one subject lit by artificial lights etc.
    From the criteria, a candle-lit scene springs to mind. The candle could be included because it says "most" areas no brighter than mid-RGB. Or equally, a street lit by street lamps, provided the lamps are far enough away. A brightly moon-lit scene which could include the moon or not?

    In any case, bracketing would be advisable.

    My 2 cents worth . . .
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 30th January 2015 at 04:30 PM.

  8. #8
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Low key examples?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiara View Post
    . . .I have to (quote from the brief I have) "Photograph a scene that has dark tones throughout, and rich deep shadows in it. Avoid photographing bright objects or scenes that are brightly lit. This means that your scene should be predominately dark to mid- toned, with most areas being no brighter than the middle of the RGB scale". So my tutor wants a low key photograph, but not the type you create by having everything dark and one subject lit by artificial lights etc.
    I've been looking around for days (on internet but also walking around my city for inspiration), but I still have no idea of what an image of this type might be.
    I think it is an erroneous assumption that you cannot have one Subject lit by artificial light. I think this might be limiting you.

    It occurs to me that the Portrait by Venser in Post #4 shows this point adequately, but, for clarity look at these two examples:

    Example 1:

    Low key examples?

    This conforms to all the criteria in the brief and it is a picture of one single subject light by one down-light in an hallway:


    Example #2

    Low key examples?

    This also conforms to all the criteria in the brief and it is a picture of a scene which is backlit light by one artificial TV Broadcast Gantry Light:


    As for other examples to get you thinking – hard side sunlight around dawn or dusk can provide you with a range of shooting scenarios and here are two examples:

    Summer Sun
    Low key examples?

    Winter Sun:
    Low key examples?


    Also, as already mentioned, a Subject illuminated by a Street Light at night, can also be wonderful:

    Low key examples?


  9. #9

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    Re: Low key examples?

    Perhaps a blue hour landscape?

  10. #10
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: Low key examples?

    Very low key...?

    Low key examples?

    Olympus 35RC @ f2.8/ 1/30th + Ilford XP2 400. Focused on the big flood just showing at the top.

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