Nice as is, if you want a particular subject/element to stand out consider highlighting that area some way.
It's a simple, pleasant scene. I like it. No suggestions.
Is the larger dog a hound or a pointer?
Hi Dan. They are both German short haired pointers. Tilly is just over 3 and Rosie is six months. Cracking companions that love exercise.
Thanks Richard I think your right.
Very nice photo, especially with Richard's treatment.
Very pleasant Andrew, I would leave just as it is.
I wouldn't touch it either, Andrew. The light is your subject, not the people and pets. They are just their to give the scene some scale.
Dan, the doggie looks like Grace... that was the first thing I thought of after admiring the scene...I am with the leaving it as is camp here, Andrew.
Where are you in Devon
JR Launceston
Last edited by JR1; 29th January 2015 at 02:41 PM.
Ah, I take it the UK is another place that the barbarous act of tail docking has been outlawed.
I've shared my entire life with GSPs other than a few years' hiatus due to conflicting life style. We currently have a three year old, Grace. There are a few photos posted floating aroud CIC somewhere. Most recently here How about post up some shots of those two beauties...
Looks good to me, Andrew. I might crop slightly less than Richard did but a terrific scene with a strong sense of being there!
I totally agree with Dan regarding tail and ear docking!
Last edited by rpcrowe; 29th January 2015 at 10:27 PM.
I fear my sarcasm may have been too subtle
Im guessing here Dan you are in favour of docking. We have had three pointers in life before these, all of which were docked, The last one Bramble had to have a longer dock which I really disliked. I was worried with Tillie that she may catch her tail when hunting but so far no problems and I do think that the longer tail makes them look more balanced when on the move than the half length stump.