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Thread: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

  1. #1

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    Jeremy Rundle

    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    My Wimberley Mk 2 gimbal arrived yesterday

    I have previously owned three (and still own one) of these .....

    The chap who makes these in the UK is great. They are an amazing gimbal.

    However last year I bought a Benro CF Gimbal, GH3, it is absolutely worth every penny, the finish, quality, and use is stunning.

    However, I always wanted a Wimberley, not because I ever tried one but because of the constant banter about it being thge best.

    DO NOT believe it. My Wimberley is mint, I got it for less than half the new price and I am most disappointed.

    The Benro leaves it cold. I have seen many cheap rubbish metal Chinese/Indian Gimbals, under £100, thyat are rubbish, but the Lensmaster at £120 ish is great.

    When it comes to the top end though, don't believe all you read, BENRO CF is great, £700 for a Wimberley, Nah

  2. #2
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    My Wimberley Mk 2 gimbal arrived yesterday
    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    I always wanted a Wimberley, not because I ever tried one but because of the constant banter about it being thge best.

    DO NOT believe it. My Wimberley is mint, I got it for less than half the new price and I am most disappointed
    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    When it comes to the top end though, don't believe all you read, BENRO CF is great, £700 for a Wimberley, Nah

    You say you purchased an item based on what you read about it and are now disappointed.

    You then go on to say "don't believe all you read".

    I see nothing in this post of your's that gives any reason as to why anyone should believe or rely upon your opinion here. Can you tell us why one is better than the other?

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    When I purchased my Whimberly a few years ago, I went through a fairly thorough review of the alternatives as best I could. Living where I do there wasn't the options of checking them all out first hand. I had to rely on whatever detailed specs, drawings, photos, videos, etc. that I could find. At the end of the process, of course, it came down to a judgment call. Since none of the alternatives represented significant cost savings(and some the opposite), I went with the proven commodity.

    Jeremy, I agree with you that getting one's hands on it is rather anti-climactic. After all of the hype one hears and considering it is the choice of the vast majority of pro wildlife photographers, it is no engineering marvel. But it does have a proven track record of durability under real world conditions. So unless one has first hand knowledge of a competing product, it is the low risk place to put one's hard earned coin. In your case it sounds like you simply fell victim to a long standing irrational desire. Greener grass syndrome as it were...

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    When I purchased my Whimberly a few years ago, I went through a fairly thorough review of the alternatives as best I could. Living where I do there wasn't the options of checking them all out first hand. I had to rely on whatever detailed specs, drawings, photos, videos, etc. that I could find. At the end of the process, of course, it came down to a judgment call. Since none of the alternatives represented significant cost savings(and some the opposite), I went with the proven commodity.

    Jeremy, I agree with you that getting one's hands on it is rather anti-climactic. After all of the hype one hears and considering it is the choice of the vast majority of pro wildlife photographers, it is no engineering marvel. But it does have a proven track record of durability under real world conditions. So unless one has first hand knowledge of a competing product, it is the low risk place to put one's hard earned coin. In your case it sounds like you simply fell victim to a long standing irrational desire. Greener grass syndrome as it were...
    100%, however I have been fortunate and want people to learn.

    The Mk2 I have is MINT, and LCE know the person who returned it after just one months use (Mad, also the Gitzo 6X CF systematic 3.

    I am also a well established LCE Customer. So I get to "try", neaw gear.

    I will keep them both, but, would I buy the Wimberley new at £700, noooooooooooo

    As you say the best thing is to try before you buy, but try finding a dealer willing to stock this or the Benro CF.

    However as I say, WITH benefit of use and buying I can honestly say that the £120 Lensmaster will exceed by a mile any daily photographers needs

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    The only complaint I have regarding the Whimberly is the weight. Which actually helps once one is set up to shoot. But in transit it's additional weight to lug around on the back.

  6. #6
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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    I will keep them both, but, would I buy the Wimberley new at £700, noooooooooooo
    I would not think there are going to be many people around that are going to pay £700 for something that can be purchased new from a reputable photographic seller for £520 .

    There will of course be those that consider the additional cost of the Wimberly MK 2 (if based on your questionable figures) which is greater than the Benro worth it for its additional load bearing capacity.
    Last edited by Stagecoach; 29th January 2015 at 08:50 PM.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Actually, I prefer the Manfrotto Gimbal more than the Wimberly type gimbal. Unfortunately Manfrotto keeps changing the name of this piece of gear every time I view it. They also persist in illustrating the mount with the camera hanging upside down like this...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    I suppose that you could use the mount in this way but, EVERYONE that I know (including myself) uses the mount in this configuration with the camera ON TOP of the swinging mount...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Here is what it looks like with a LOOONG lens mounted...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Manfrotto has returned to calling this a monopod mount when it is equally as good on a tripod. They also persist in swearing that you cannot use this mount in conjunction with a flash... Since Manfrotto thinks that mounting a flash is impossible, they dont supply a flash mount. But that, flash bracket is easy to fabricate out of a piece of flat aluminum stock as in this rig...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Expert bird photographer Romy Ocon of the Philippines uses the Manfrotto Gimbal with some very long and heavy camera/lens combinations...

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    I have 3 gimbals, 3 tripods and 2 monopods and use them interchangeably depending on the situation that they will be used in. No Wimberley simply due to the weight factor. But in most cases I do tend to go hand-held.

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    The only complaint I have regarding the Whimberly is the weight. Which actually helps once one is set up to shoot. But in transit it's additional weight to lug around on the back.
    BOY do I agree with you there, I don't know if you have the MK1 or MK2, but the MK2 is blasted heavy too.

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Actually, I prefer the Manfrotto Gimbal more than the Wimberly type gimbal. Unfortunately Manfrotto keeps changing the name of this piece of gear every time I view it. They also persist in illustrating the mount with the camera hanging upside down like this...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    I suppose that you could use the mount in this way but, EVERYONE that I know (including myself) uses the mount in this configuration with the camera ON TOP of the swinging mount...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Here is what it looks like with a LOOONG lens mounted...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Manfrotto has returned to calling this a monopod mount when it is equally as good on a tripod. They also persist in swearing that you cannot use this mount in conjunction with a flash... Since Manfrotto thinks that mounting a flash is impossible, they dont supply a flash mount. But that, flash bracket is easy to fabricate out of a piece of flat aluminum stock as in this rig...
    To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Expert bird photographer Romy Ocon of the Philippines uses the Manfrotto Gimbal with some very long and heavy camera/lens combinations...
    I don't want to and certainly don't intend to sound rude so my apologies at the offset.

    I looked at this years ago, and it just doesn't compare with either the Benro or Wimberley in quality or ability (IF) you compare it on cost,.

    I DO know three birders with 400mm+ lenses who swear by it, AND I have mounted an astronomical telescope on it when one came over for the day.

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    I would not think there are going to be many people around that are going to pay £700 for something that can be purchased new from a reputable photographic seller for £520 .

    There will of course be those that consider the additional cost of the Wimberly MK 2 (if based on your questionable figures) which is greater than the Benro worth it for its additional load bearing capacity.
    IF they had it in stock and they have not for MONTHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone can sell cheap IF they don't have it
    Last edited by JR1; 30th January 2015 at 10:09 AM.

  12. #12

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post

    You say you purchased an item based on what you read about it and are now disappointed.

    You then go on to say "don't believe all you read".

    I see nothing in this post of your's that gives any reason as to why anyone should believe or rely upon your opinion here. Can you tell us why one is better than the other?
    If I had written a post like yours someone would have considered it a little rude.

    WE ALL whatever we do in life and whoever we are listen to, read and evaluate information about things, that is why we READ photo magazines reviews, watch and listen to Car shows like top gears reviews and talk to people who have owned things, so according to you we should NEVER believe all you read or hear. I didn't and do not, but you at some point have to weigh up the information and make a decision.

    I am fortunate, I can buy what I want, and do, but that does not make me a fool.

    I have a Lensmaster (had four) gimbals, I bought a Benro, and then the Wimberley pre owned boxed mint.

    Unless you are fortunate to live next to or near a massive shop that stocks them, you can not try before you buy, you can distance buy and return.

    Both the £120 lernsmaster and Benro CF will support a 600mm lens, enough for most people, the Benro and Lensmaster are as smooth in all direction s and the Benro looks better, Benro is cheaper and Lensmaster a bargain price

    I will answer no more of your questions as I do not like your tone.

  13. #13
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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    WE ALL whatever we do in life and whoever we are listen to, read and evaluate information about things, that is why we READ photo magazines reviews, watch and listen to Car shows like top gears reviews and talk to people who have owned things
    Exactly, and hence my request for the reasoning behind your preference to the Benbro over the Wimberley. Your statement that the Benbro leaves it (Wimberley) cold suggests that the difference in your opinion must be fairly significant of which hopefully there would be a logical reason for.

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    so according to you we should NEVER believe all you read or hear
    Never believe, was neither said or in any way inferred within what I wrote, but it appears what you have written regarding the cost of a Wimberley is misleading.

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    Both the £120 lernsmaster and Benro CF will support a 600mm lens, enough for most people, the Benro and Lensmaster are as smooth in all direction s and the Benro looks better, Benro is cheaper and Lensmaster a bargain price
    And the difference between the Wimberley and the Benbro is that the Wimberlely is rated at over twice the load bearing capacity, should that be a factor in the decision making.

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    23 kilo capacity for the Benro, Canons largest lens is 5kilos, 800mm, add a D4.......

    The heaviest heaviest is only 6 kilo, leaving miles of capacity to spare.

    I clearly stated and quoted the cost from a website, I also clearly stated in plain English that £ for £ in MY I repeat MY opinion the Wimberley is not worth the extra.

    Anyway you win I have more important things to do than argue with you over MY opinions.

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    I have the MK2 and it is still darn heavy. The specs say something over 1.5kg but surely that has to be the main part of the head only without the slide/mount/clamp. I've never weighed it. I have noted that it seems to be gaining weight every year also.

    I've never understood the physics involved with photography gear weight. Mathematically tripod + whimberly + D4 + 500mm lens = 4+4+3.5+8.5= 20lb(9kg). Yet slung across a shoulder, my biometric scale indicates a combined weight of 87lb(39kg)

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I have the MK2 and it is still darn heavy. The specs say something over 1.5kg but surely that has to be the main part of the head only without the slide/mount/clamp. I've never weighed it. I have noted that it seems to be gaining weight every year also.

    I've never understood the physics involved with photography gear weight. Mathematically tripod + whimberly + D4 + 500mm lens = 4+4+3.5+8.5= 20lb(9kg). Yet slung across a shoulder, my biometric scale indicates a combined weight of 87lb(39kg)
    I hope you don't take offence at my comments, they are purely personal, the Wimberley and the others are well made, the quality of the Wimberley I have theMK2 also is very good, and you have to remember that supplier backup counts for a great deal, which I am reliably informed is very very good with Wimberley, I just, PERSONALLY, do not believe that the Wimberley, being metal is woth the extra cost over the CF Benro.

    Then again you pay a lot for a name, in cars, bikes and photography.

    As for weight I looked at

    Canon EF 200mm f/2L IS USM Lens 5.0 x 8.2" (128 x 208mm) 5.6 lbs. (2,520g) 6.2' (1.9m) .12x
    Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens 5.0 x 9.9" (128 x 252mm) 5.6 lbs. (2,550g) 8.2' (2.5m) .13x
    Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS USM Lens 6.4 x 13.7" (163 x 349mm) 11.8 lbs. (5,370g) 9.8' (3.0m) .15x
    Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS USM Lens 5.0 x 9.2" (128 x 233mm) 4.3 lbs. (1,940g) 11.5' (3.5m) .12x
    Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM Lens 5.8 x 15.2" (146 x 387mm) 8.5 lbs. (3,870g) 14.8' (4.5m) .12x
    Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS USM Lens 6.6 x 18.0" (168 x 456mm) 11.8 lbs. (5,360g) 18.0' (5.5m) .12x
    Canon EF 800mm f/5.6L IS USM Lens 6.4 x 18.1" (162 x 461mm) 9.9 lbs. (4,500g) 19.7' (6.0m) .14x

    and guessed the D4s weight

    Would I carry them, are you kidding, never...........

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    I hope you don't take offence at my comments...
    It's just another bit of kit. Not as if you were discussing my bride.

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    ... Not as if you were discussing my bride.
    or your kids...

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    It's just another bit of kit. Not as if you were discussing my bride.
    Are you getting married

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    Re: To Wimberley or not to Wimberley

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    Are you getting married
    In the southern US where I'm from we use the term "bride" well after the wedding. In my case, my bride and I have been married for 32 years.

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