Nicely handled in the lighting conditions that you were working with. Some additional saturation would be a benefit but I do agree that Richard's version was a tad too much. It is very common early into bird/wildlife photography to try and fill the frame with the subject. Try giving a bit more "room to breath" and see if you like it. You're doing well, Barbara.
Presumably the "rock" is a concrete piling? Not sure where else you'd find one down there
Thanks, I've been working with just my 300mm lens and they were really close. I am going to start taking my 70D along with me so I can use a shorter lens as well and switch back and forth. I prefer prime to telephoto.
Yes, it was a piling but that did not fit well with my song
Good one Barbara though I agree with Dan that Richard's edit is a bit overdone. Sorry Richard. Comparing it by clicking the arrows is really helpful...
Nicely done.
Very well framed , the subject fills the space well. Concerning PP , many times it comes down to personal preference , in this case the saturation is great on the subject a little too much on the water , maybe play with temperature and tint then the saturation . this way you might lighten up a little on the over kill on the water. Editing and the fine details of processing can take a lot longer than taking the photo ,
There is not reason that you couldn't take more shots and blend them together should you desireI've been working with just my 300mm lens and they were really close
a wider field of view. The 300mm is always the proper lens. It's the only one I use in the field.
The image does confuse me as the upper portion of the wing is muddy looking with the rest of the
bird being crystal clear...why might that be?
Thanks Izzie and John
Barbara wrote, "Love the rock treatment but think the rest might be a little overdone for me. What did you do to the rock?"
I just basically increased the structure globally with Viveza and also increased the saturation and contrast a tiny bit.
Using the Viveza control points, it would be a relatively simple task to work on the rick alone and leave the rest of the image untouched...