Excellent photos! Russian swamp every time mentioned in Russian fairy tales and myths.![]()
The last photo is the best. Also I was wondering what time of day did you do these photos (morning,late morning or afternoon) and have you thought of doing some with the early morning mist or some fog?
I like #2 and the last. They look very bleak and a bit like Yorkshire, no not really I'm only joking but some places in England come close.![]()
I'm glad you like it! Thank you!
These photos were made about 11-12 in the morning. I wish a had my own car to make lots of photos every time I want. I asked many of my friends to go there, but almost all of then also doesn't have their car, only one agreed to go for this trip. I, also, wish to take photos of this and other places without leaves - in early spring.
Bogs are my favorite theme became after seing them early in the morning, when Sun only appeared from a bus window. All branches and trees were covered with hoarfrost, and all these trees were standing in the water. I will always remember this mysterious picture. I agree with DrJeans - this is were from fairy tales comes from!
Last edited by Superka; 6th May 2010 at 05:27 PM.
Hi Pavel, I like them all and the ones in the tree thread. Keep them coming.![]()
Thank you!
You have captured a great sense of mood and atmosphere, which is something I strive to do in my images. Your images evoke a great sense of mystery and intrigue. For me, #6 is the least successful in terms of composition. I don't think it has a strong main point of interest. The others, however, do. Well done.
Last edited by Donald; 6th May 2010 at 06:28 PM.
great images mate.i hope you dont think i'm being picky.but i get the feeling of looking down as i look at your pics.
Wonderful shots, Pavel. I particularly like the last two, which are sort of opposites. #8 has a feeling of calm, with the birch trees and the nice reflection. #9 is the most "bog looking" shot, to my eye. It also shows water, but as something that's only visible in tiny slices.
Beautiful country. Some macro of the plants and animals would be amazing. Any carnivorous plants there? Sundew, pitcher plant, fly trap?
Oh, macro is not my favorite type of photography, I don't know :-) . But I wish I took a picture of those white endings of the grass on №4 - they resemble a white fur when look closely.
Great shots. Alot of character. We have alot of bogs here in New Jersey. Alot of the non-wild bogs are used to grow cranberries.
Thank you! We have lots of cranberries on our bogs, too.
Would love to see some evening shots.
Really great series here. As Donald mentioned, you really struck gold in creating a strong sense of mood and atmosphere with these.
Oh, I'm very happy you like it! Thank you!