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Thread: It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

  1. #1

    It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

    Tulips in the rain, well an 8 year old using a hose attachment but you get the gist. I must say that I was a little disappointed with the 40D ISO 800 performance in these conditions, caught myself blaming the equipment, and decided I needed to use the flash more imaginatively next time round.

    Disclaimer: The tulips depicted in these images are fictitious. Any similarity to the numerous tulips living or dead featured in this forum is merely coincidental.

    It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

    It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

  2. #2

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    Re: It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

    Like the second one, too much rain in the first for me, gets in the way of the flower. In what way disappointed with 40D?

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

    Quote Originally Posted by peterb533 View Post
    Like the second one, too much rain in the first for me, ...
    I was just about to say that.

    Lovely richness to them both. I reckon you and Rob got a job lot and shared them.

  4. #4

    Re: It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

    I like #2. You caught the red very well (red is a very difficult colour to capture in flowers). They don't look noisy to me. What did you mean ref the 40D?

  5. #5

    Re: It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

    With ref to 40D please check out the noise on this image taken in the same conditions. The tulips above were the pick of the bunch and have been denoised and then re-sharpened in UFRaw.

    It's a Hard Rain's a-gonna Fall

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