I like the primary subject and the good DOF , however the snow in the forefront is a distractraction, I know you wanted the reflection , but maybe trying to capture too much .
Well Kim, the picture I'm looking at certainly fits in with the title "Beauty in the most unlikely location" but I'm certain it's not the picture you posted
There seems to be a bug at the moment and this morning I found one of my Mangrove pictures replaced with a boy with 6 caps on, each numbered by someone with an arrow to them,
That's awesome, Kim. It sounds like that's local to where you live. If so, I'd say it's worth visiting under different lighting conditions, times of year, etc. Unlikely spot indeed. Nicely seen and captured.
Nicely seen and captured Kim. Next time you head out to this location I think it would be really cool to have the pillars with the graffiti more prominently in the foreground but that is not to take anything away form this shot...just another option
Well this gets stranger because I'm still seeing a picture of which I know Kim has certainly not posted and others are seeing and commenting on something totally different
Nicely done, a lot of dangerous looking areas; I'd be tempted to explore further.
I am with Grahame...I do not know what you all are talking about but I am seeing a lady that perhaps just came out of the bath with one boob showing while she covers the other one. She's got long fingernails the same colour as her lippy.
Now I see the correct image and not an imposter
Interesting Kim and well executed. I see other possibilities here, depending upon access, I'm sure you'll be back.
I like the image as is. I think the ice does it, just crop 3mm off the bottom. But that is only my opinion.
Cheers Mugge
No - like Izzie, I see a chick with a boobie exposed!
I think tinypic got hacked? Even upon reloading, she remains.
Clearly, this thread has been hacked; I too am seeing a photo of an Asian women with a breast exposed..............Background is a little distracting, someone needs to go back to the drawing board and invest in back drops
This thing about a rogue image appearing to some people some of the time, is a fairly recent phenomenon and, thankfully, is pretty rare. With apologies to everyone, but unfortunately it's completely outwith CiC's control. It's something that's happening at the TinyPic end of things.
Kim very cool photo. Almost looks like the inside of a Cathedral.