It really does look prehistoric. Great pose and demonstration of the vegetation they're comfortable with.
Though the coloring also reminds me of a zebra, I'm sure neither a zebra nor an anhinga appreciates my thinking about that.
Indeed they are prehistoric looking. I've seen a few in Mexico hanging around the trees in estuaries. Beautiful capture of the colouring, feather detail and especially the eye (remarkable) of the bird.
Good shot but I would consider cropping the top slightly, which would mean having a different size ratio. At the moment I find that large black area a bit overpowering.
Thanks. I think you are absolutely right. It would be easy to crop the sides to keep a portrait aspect.Good shot but I would consider cropping the top slightly, which would mean having a different size ratio. At the moment I find that large black area a bit overpowering
+1 to Geoff's comment. Or maybe just blur it a little bit more. I like the orientation and the framing size...just selectively blur it more a little bit?
They are odd looking birds. Particularly if one comes upon them on a perch with wings raised drying, cooling, or whatever it is they do that for. Nice position on the bird and detail is well captured. That BG is REALLY distracting.