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Thread: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

  1. #1
    gpzt's Avatar
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    Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Hello !
    I must confess I have neglected photography for several months now. This doesn't mean I haven't had my share of problems!
    As far as RAW is concerned (I always shoot in .CR2 RAW), I used to associate DPP with The GIMP and everything went fine. I have been using RawTherapee and Gimp for a few months and I am unable to associate RT with Gimp as external editor. I have tried every possible combination in the three buttons in RT préférences dealing with this matter to no avail. Looks like I am not using the proper path to establish the link. RT version:4.2.1, Gimp 2.8.14;OS: Windows 8.1 pro 64 bits; using "Program Files" (notx86!).
    I have read the manual(both in English and in french!) and and a french book on RT without finding the appropriate path. Needless to say, I have uninstalled then re-installed RT and gimp several times ...Has anybody the same problem or has any of you a way to solve this problem which is driving me crazy. Being no geek in computing science, I would appreciate a full information on this delicate problem (french or English welcome!).
    Best regards,
    Guy Poizat
    Cabestany, France.

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Guy I cannot answer your question but I hope if I respond to this post it will go up the post ladder so someone using GIMP and RT can respond. I know many around here does...

  3. #3
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Same here

  4. #4

    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Guy, and Mark, This is what I did to link RawT to Gimp:
    Open RawT:
    Bottom left hand corner - Click icon (looks like an abacus) - Preferences
    Under Preferences - click General
    Near the bottom - External Editor
    First command line - Gimp Installation Directory (it may show RawTherapee on this line)
    Open dialogue box, click your Computer, the click on Programs, then click on GIMP 2.0 file, click Open and then OK.
    That should do it. External Editor Command Line should now show GIMP 2.0 (or whichever version you have).
    If you don't know, GIMP can only handle 8 bit images so it will ask to convert 16 bit to 8 bit.
    Last edited by flashback; 12th February 2015 at 04:24 PM.

  5. #5

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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Guy, and Mark, This is what I did to link RawT to Gimp:
    Open RawT:
    Bottom left hand corner - Click icon (looks like an abacus) - Preferences
    Under Preferences - click General
    Near the bottom - External Editor
    First command line - Gimp Installation Directory (it may show RawTherapee on this line)
    Open dialogue box, click your Computer, the click on Programs, then click on GIMP 2.0 file, click Open and then OK.
    That should do it. External Editor Command Line should now show GIMP 2.0 (or whichever version you have).
    If you don't know, GIMP can only handle 8 bit images so it will ask to convert 16 bit to 8 bit.
    What I've read is that the last version is 16 bit.


  6. #6
    Krawuntzel's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    Guy, and Mark, This is what I did to link RawT to Gimp:
    Open RawT:
    Bottom left hand corner - Click icon (looks like an abacus) - Preferences
    Under Preferences - click General
    Near the bottom - External Editor
    First command line - Gimp Installation Directory (it may show RawTherapee on this line)
    Open dialogue box, click your Computer, the click on Programs, then click on GIMP 2.0 file, click Open and then OK.
    That should do it. External Editor Command Line should now show GIMP 2.0 (or whichever version you have).
    If you don't know, GIMP can only handle 8 bit images so it will ask to convert 16 bit to 8 bit.
    The last part (clicking one's way to the Gimp program) might not function on all computers and in every language (does not in the newest version in German). So I think it "safer" under the heading external editor to choose the option "command line" and type there the correct path to "gimp-2.x.exe" which most of the time is like "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.x.exe".
    Hope this helps

  7. #7

    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    George, I have (the latest as of Dec 2014) Gimp 2.8 and when I send an image from RT to Gimp I get the following:

    The image you are loading has 16 bits per channel. GIMP can only handle 8 bit, so it will be converted for you. Information will be lost because of this conversion."
    Unless there's a newer still version....

  8. #8
    Krawuntzel's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    George, I have (the latest as of Dec 2014) Gimp 2.8 and when I send an image from RT to Gimp I get the following:

    The image you are loading has 16 bits per channel. GIMP can only handle 8 bit, so it will be converted for you. Information will be lost because of this conversion."
    Unless there's a newer still version....
    That's right. 16-bit are promised for the "normal" user in gimp 2.10; you could compile your own gimp from source code to get 16- even 32-bit per color channel. If you feel like doing it, try it.

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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by Krawuntzel View Post
    The last part (clicking one's way to the Gimp program) might not function on all computers and in every language (does not in the newest version in German). So I think it "safer" under the heading external editor to choose the option "command line" and type there the correct path to "gimp-2.x.exe" which most of the time is like "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.x.exe".
    Hope this helps
    thanks, it works! I am such a geek...not!

  10. #10
    gpzt's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    thanks, it works! I am such a geek...not!
    Looks like your system is working in French, provided I use 4.2.74. with gimp2.8. I intend to try with a more stable RT version, just for fun. Language choice seems to have its importance. Viele Danke!! Guy

  11. #11
    gpzt's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    TO: Izzie, JackP, Mark,George, Erwin and Brian,

    Thanks fo your cooperation ! Although some problems seem to remain, depending on RT versions, Languages and maybe Gimp versions, we seem to be on the right track. I wish the administrators would complete the information in the manual and give full details on the " préférences"...
    Best regards,

  12. #12
    Krawuntzel's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by gpzt View Post
    Looks like your system is working in French, provided I use 4.2.74. with gimp2.8. I intend to try with a more stable RT version, just for fun. Language choice seems to have its importance. Viele Danke!! Guy
    Salutations depuis la Suisse et Bitte gern geschehen, Guy
    As far as I know RawTherapee 4.2.74 is the latest stable build. With open source you always have some problems in other than original languages. Since RawTherapy is building almost every day a new version, it is wise to stick to a functioning version unless you absolutely need any newly added features. And: from my experience most manuals lag way behind the developments of programs and are never exact, or give the user informations, he can really use.
    But then - Raw Therapee is open source; and I often have comparable problems with expensive programs.

  13. #13
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    RT has a wiki now. It can be more use than the manual but afraid it doesn't seem to cover this particular problem

    I run RT and the GIMP on Linux and as expected it comes defaulting to export to the GIMP. Just tried it as I usually save and reload images.

    Out of interest I loaded a jpg into RT as it was on my desktop. The GIMP pointed out that it would be reduced to 8 bit as RT exported it at as 16bit TIFF even though it was an 8 bit image that it had loaded. The GIMP will also mention that the image it has received from RT has an RT colour profile. I generally tell it to retain it.

    I have loaded 16bit png into the GIMP and it just seems to load them but I am not sure how much of the GIMP is actually capable of working at this bit depth. I also believe that they are aiming to use 32 bit floating point and that this graphics engine is now in it. As I understand it this whole area wont be fully cleared up until version 3.

    GIMP 2.8.14 and RT 4.1.83

    - Just thought if the problem persists go ask on their forum. Sometimes that is the only way they realise that they may have a problem. It's what I do if I can't sort it out myself.


  14. #14
    gpzt's Avatar
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    Re: Using "The GIMP" as external editor after derawtizing with RawTherapee

    Quote Originally Posted by ajohnw View Post
    RT has a wiki now. It can be more use than the manual but afraid it doesn't seem to cover this particular problem

    I run RT and the GIMP on Linux and as expected it comes defaulting to export to the GIMP. Just tried it as I usually save and reload images.

    Out of interest I loaded a jpg into RT as it was on my desktop. The GIMP pointed out that it would be reduced to 8 bit as RT exported it at as 16bit TIFF even though it was an 8 bit image that it had loaded. The GIMP will also mention that the image it has received from RT has an RT colour profile. I generally tell it to retain it.

    I have loaded 16bit png into the GIMP and it just seems to load them but I am not sure how much of the GIMP is actually capable of working at this bit depth. I also believe that they are aiming to use 32 bit floating point and that this graphics engine is now in it. As I understand it this whole area wont be fully cleared up until version 3.

    GIMP 2.8.14 and RT 4.1.83

    - Just thought if the problem persists go ask on their forum. Sometimes that is the only way they realise that they may have a problem. It's what I do if I can't sort it out myself.


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