Not at all abstract for me. Very definitely surreal and an excellent image! The reflective wall at the left changes this from an everyday composition to one with greater interest and display of the third dimension.
Dear Manfred,
the silhouettes of both make this a very unique image. Who is the observer and who is being observed?
Fascinating. Probably also for the people watching the jellyfish.
I like it as it is but I think it may work as well if not better without the man and child on the right. They do add interest but spoil the composition a bit.
Great exposure and very well captured - not sure about the white balance... but then again that is one of the things that makes it work.
That is an interesting one. Note the requisite person taking a photo with the smart phone.
This brought a big smile to my face! I really love the colors and contrast here. Nice job!
Really nice, Manfred. I think it would also be interesting if you cropped so it was just the two central figures surrounded by the jellyfish.
Thanks for the comments. I did play around with a few crops, but eventually decided to leave it full size.
I found that the following crops all work to some extent.
They all have their pluses and minuses; so I decided to stick with the original full-frame shot that I posted previously.
The area was lit in a blue light, so the way the people look is quite close to what I saw. The jellyfish in the tank had variable lighting that went from white to blue to green to red, in addition to the overall blue look.
Manfred, fascinating, I like each crop as a picture in its own right - but I agree the full frame is the more interesting with the full range of observers in. My lady suggested a cut to show only the guy with the phone camera and his reflection - would make a good 'social comment' shot
The original and the Mother/Daughter crop for me for different reasons Manfred. The original tells a story of a self absorbed individual, a mother and daughter and a father and toddler, all doubtless seeing something different. The crop is just a nice composition.
Really nice angle... Including the observers makes this image unique. I like the first image best!
I have small disquiet that the second alternative and the original both suffer from the untidiness of the man and small child looking right out of frame? It is not matched by the I-pad user looking left. It would easy enough to flip the man and child
Though of course people at an exhibition do not look in 'tidy' ways, or neatly untidy, for the photographer's composition.
I was also distracted, puzzled, by the distortion of the side panel changing the i-pad man's stance
The one thing I always look forward to when you post a shot Manfred is that I always know when I open your thread I will be stunned.
Guess that’s why I always look forward to doing so!
Each of these crops stand on their own as does the full frame.
I have no idea which version I like the best, the guy with the smart phone, the mother and daughter,
or, the guy on the stool. So much to consider. Just great, absolutely.
Cheers Mugge
The original got my vote to show the overall scene of the place...
Nicely seen and taken...the electric blue colour really adds to this...original post works for me...great image