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Thread: My favorite photo of this decanter

  1. #21

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Thanks, Kaye!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaye Leggett View Post
    Your set up information hides well the amount of time you must have spent on this
    That being the case, it's clear that I didn't do a very good job of explaining it. Otherwise, you would have gleaned from the information that it took a relatively long amount of time to get everything set up just so. There are just an incredible number of adjustments to make and making just one slight change to the position of a flag, a piece of diffusion material, the strip soft box or either of the other two lighting sources, the subject or whatever can sometimes dramatically change the appearance of the image.

    [It] doesn't mention how you chose the wine or its volume in the decanter !!!
    My guess is that you're joking but both were serious considerations. I chose pinot noir because it's generally the lightest color of red wine that I have in the house yet it retains deep rich tones I associate with red wine. (I haven't drunk beaujolais or rosé in years, though both would appear brighter under the same lighting setup.)

    The volume of wine was critical because it, along with the height of the camera relative to the subject, affects the composition regarding how high the punt rises above the surface of the wine. I had to do some trial-and-error adjusting of the amount of wine and the relative height of the camera until that aspect of the image appeared just the way I wanted it.

    EDIT: The meal that I cooked that night was baked salmon topped with huckleberry sauce, a side dish of broccoli with diced tomatoes, garlic, basil and pine nuts and another side dish of long grain and wild rice with herbs and dried cherries. That's because that meal went so well with the wine in the photo.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 21st February 2015 at 12:16 PM.

  2. #22

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post

    It's abundantly clear that I won that argument.
    Not quite but I never argue with one who is clearly better ...
    The only problem now is I want to use the play of light on my subjects but they are never where it would work out.

  3. #23
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    If you have the fourth edition of Light: Science and Magic,...
    Thanks, Mike; I have the third, but I believe it is not much different as I have found what I believe you are referring to starting on page 156. I believe it is past time to tackle this tome again, so it has moved from the bottom to the top of the photography book pile.

  4. #24

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
    ... so it has moved from the bottom to the top of the photography book pile.
    Typically that is what I do but over time other books get added to the pile and it goes back to the bottom.

  5. #25

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Light: Science and Magic always stays at the top in my household because I frequently refer to it. I consider it much like the Bible of light.

  6. #26

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    I can see why this is your favorite shot Mike! It is very moody and very much inline with your usual style of photographing glass and wine.

    As usual of late I have been lurking more than commenting The images of the decanter with the wine and the pouring back and forth, while nice, didn't really have the "it" factor that this one has for me.

  7. #27
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    I like this decanter more and more every time I see it.

    I like the red highlights on this one especially. Beautiful shot Mike.

    No way to discuss the question offered regarding the lighting/highlights that I can see without seeing the set. It might still take some playing on Mike’s set to determine. But that is a great lighting question!

    I have a couple of Theory’s!

    But a great shot Mike of a very cool piece!

  8. #28

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Thank you to Terry and Shane!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneS View Post
    the "it" factor
    That's also why this is my favorite of the photos I've made of this decanter.

  9. #29

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Outstanding image.........amazing !!!!!!!


  10. #30

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Thank you, Griddi, and sorry for my late response to your post!

  11. #31

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    Re: My favorite photo of this decanter

    Mike......don't politic is anyway " better late, than never " ......


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