When I go to the city I always visit China Town here. One time I was with a tour of some feng shui people (I do not believe in Feng Shui, mind you...) we came upon a pair of guardian lions. They are supposed to be "children lions" but in its history despite that they are playful, they are supposed to be very fierce. One of them has a ball in its mouth. You are supposed to touch that and if it moves you will be lucky for the rest of your life and any problems will just easily fade away. Anyway to cut my story short, I was the first on line to touch the ball in its mouth and with a much gentle push and wriggle, the ball moves. Every Chinese in the street passing by, uttered a surprise. I just thought nothing of it until it was explained to me what that means. So the rest of the group in the tour decided they want their luck to change too. Lo and behold! No one was able to move the ball again. Apparently, as explained, it chose only one every so often and since we were in a group, I was the chosen one. I was grinning from ear to ear all the way home...wee..wee...wee...(like an oinkling...)
And oh, did I tell you that the house I am staying right now has a red door? Yup! That kind of red.