Shadowman asked about the series of shots after one I had put in a monochrome competition. I just realized that I do not have a series for that particular shot as I was attempting to pan.
This is a series of the same horse and rider over the same jump. I haven't cropped the photos to give you an idea about the environment. Just overhead, there is a tungsten light (there are about ten of them in the arena, that was casting a lovely purple haze on my colour shots. I had the WB set for tungsten. Unfortunately, I had to stand on that side of the arena and was facing the windows which are set high in the wall. I switched to b&w as pp work on a previous batch could not totally rectify the colour problems from the low light, the tungsten etc. In PP for these, I used auto exposure in ACR and then tweaked the brightness and fill light a bit. ( I have that option, now) In photoshop, I sharpened with USM and reduced noise.
Camera used was a Canon Rebel xti (400). I had the 75-300 non IS kit lens attached, 1/125, f4+2, 1600iso (that's as far as it will go) at 100m. Camera was handheld. I am trying to learn as much technique as possible from this camera. In particular, I would love to learn how to pan properly as I cannot get a "frozen" action shot in this light with my current equipment. All C&C is welcome and appreciated.