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Thread: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

  1. #1
    retief's Avatar
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    New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    I found out about this forum via a Brother from another Mother, ok, really from a guy I know from a different forum . He speaks highly of this place so I figured I pop in and give it a go.

    A short bit about me. I am opinionated, think highly of myself, have a HUGE ego, and like to laugh a lot. My favorite target of my laughter and humor is me, which really keeps my perspective on things in general quite nicely in check. A few folks here may recognize me from elsewhere, I hope that those who do can vouch for my civility, honesty, politeness, incredibly amazing sense of humor and above all else my brilliance when it comes to all things photographic and computer wise. (Oh, was I bit too over the top with that last bit??? SHAME on me ) Darnit Dewey, get back in your cage, sorry!

    Went full Digital back in 1999 and have not looked back. I am always trying to learn more, and I find one of the best ways to learn is to share what I do and how I do it. It never ceases to amaze me how similar many of us are, yet how the most subtle differences can lead to better/easier ways of accomplishing what we are striving for. Many years ago, about 34 now, I made a promise that I would learn something new every day, and so far I have not missed a day. Hopefully folks here can help me keep that record going.

    What I am looking for here is very simple, but rather difficult to find. Civil conversation where we can discuss, heck even argue at times, but still keep a grin on our face and friendship in our tone. Help me learn what I can do better, photographically or otherwise, and help me to share.

    Well, enough drivel from me for now, when you all get sick enough of it, just show me the door. I probably won't leave, but at least I will know where the door is

    To Mike, thanks for the pointer, I'll let you know in a few weeks if I still like you or not ........

    PS. OK, first question, how the heck do you add a signature around here????? Maybe I should wait and see what shows up when I hit Submit ......

  2. #2
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Oh, I see, who needs a signature when you have the bits on the left? Maybe if you were so smart, Dewey, you would have looked at some other posts first and not made of fool of yourself. Or maybe you could have been smarter and used the Edit Post button. What a dummy, and you expect these people to take you seriously???????

  3. #3

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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Hi, Bill. Welcome to CIC. You'll find the edit signature function by clicking on the "Forum Actions" tab in the menu bar on this page. A drop down will open with an "Edit profile" option. That's what you're looking for.

  4. #4
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Hi, Bill. Welcome to CIC. You'll find the edit signature function by clicking on the "Forum Actions" tab in the menu bar on this page. A drop down will open with an "Edit profile" option. That's what you're looking for.
    Well, Sunday morning and I must just be Blind as a Bat and Dumber than a Skunk today, because darned if I can find it! Thanks for the great pointer, but I still am missing something, and I sure claim to be smarter than this, so admitting it in Public is downright embarrassing! I think I went through all the options in the profile and settings, what the heck is it exactly called? I even searched the FAQ, and who the heck reads the manual anymore???

    Dangit, I see yours, and I can't even figure out how to make mine, this is downright embarrassing .......

    Thanks very much for the Welcome, one of these days I need to get my lazy butt up to your part of the country.

  5. #5
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    You get a signature after 10 posts i think...or some other wierd arbitory ammount

  6. #6
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    AHA! So maybe I am just not as dumb as a skunk after all! Time to get off my lazy butt and reply to things other than my own intro!

    That actually makes some sense, I like things where you are rewarded for participation. Now to figure out how to get my first Gold Star ......

    Thanks a bunch, much appreciated.

  7. #7

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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Good to see you, Bill! I hope you stay and enjoy it!

    You don't get use of an automated signature until you're taught the secret handshake and I've asked everyone here to not explain it to you.

  8. #8
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Good to see you, Bill! I hope you stay and enjoy it!

    You don't get use of an automated signature until you're taught the secret handshake and I've asked everyone here to not explain it to you.
    So, the trick is, don't ask, someone may tell, but if you ask you are out of the club forever?

    MODERATOR, MODERATOR, please let me do a reset!

    Thanks for the invite, Mike, so far I like what I see. Oh, nice signature .........

  9. #9

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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    A warm welcome from me....looking forward to see your work. Kev

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Come on Bill,

    You've reached 10 and I still can't see a signature, we're all waiting .....


    still waiting ...

    Oh well, to while away the time, I guess I'd better welcome you to the CiC forums - check.

    still waiting ...

    Oh, by the way, if "Mrs Mike" offers you a glass of wine, be careful, she's rather prone to dropping them from what we see here - well, that's what Mike says

  11. #11
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Sorry it took so long, Dave, I must have been busy doing something important, "Super Eruption" is on the SyFy channel, and is such a compelling documentary on Yellowstone erupting. All the movies on SyFy, like Sharknado, are true documentaries, correct?

    And yes, now I feel like a real member, I have been fulfilled, once again I can sleep at night.

    That you SO much kind and generous moderators, for enabling me .... ( yes, I am a suck up as well, just one of my many character flaws )

    Seriously, thanks for the "Welcomes". With luck you will still feel the same way over the next weeks/months/years/decades/centuries.

  12. #12
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    That image on your website of the bird in flight (Is it an eagle?) seeming to be looking straight into the lens, is an amazing picture. As are so many more of your BiF pictures. I look forward to seeing you teaming up with the other bird specialists on here and look forward to many ongoing awesome images.

  13. #13
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    That image on your website of the bird in flight (Is it an eagle?) seeming to be looking straight into the lens, is an amazing picture. As are so many more of your BiF pictures. I look forward to seeing you teaming up with the other bird specialists on here and look forward to many ongoing awesome images.
    Donald, you are far too kind, I very much appreciate your kind words. Can you point me to a bit more info on the image you are referring to so I can give you more context? The easiest way is to either send me the Image Title, or better yet right click on the image and you should see the link to the image, just send that along.

    I look forward to learning from the other folks who shoot BIF, it is quite challenging, and can often be about the most frustrating thing to shoot. The darned birds follow directions less than children and pets for crying out loud. Don't they realize how difficult that makes things for us?

    Again, thank you so much for the very kind words and kind welcome.

  14. #14
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Bill, it's:-

    And I see it's in the 'Northern Harrier' gallery.

  15. #15
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Now I like your sense of humour...we have many here who shares the same sort, so watch out! A nice warm welcome from me too...I see you have got the hang of hanging out with us so I will cut this short...look forward to seeing some more of your posts and shots to share with us...

  16. #16

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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Welcome Bill! A read though this thread gave me my smile and chuckle for the evening I will look forward to your shots but I'm not a birder as I avoid shooting things that move faster than me and even then I hesitate unless they are standing still...

  17. #17
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    & its another welcome, this one from me.. from down below

  18. #18
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Sorry for being so remiss in getting back and replying. my bad.

    Donald, thank you again. That is a Male Northern Harrier. Mistakenly referred to as Gray Hawk sometimes. What is interesting is that there are about 4-5 females per male, the females are more brown. They certainly are pretty. This one was flying around, we think it actually was looking at us, figuring we were probably too big to be food.

    Izzie, I have no sense of humor ( spelled either way and what the heck is someone from MO spelling it with a U for anyway ). I am simply an inveterate smart-a... oops, can I say that here?

    Shane, thank you. Funny, I prefer to photographer things that move fast than I do, unless they are chasing me of course ....

    Thanks, Kay. Your wonderful country is one of our favorite places to visit. We have yet to do Perth to Darwin, but have been to most other parts, and have enjoyed them all.

  19. #19
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Welcome Bill. I also do BIF so I look forward to yours (BIF means Barns in Fields right?)

  20. #20
    retief's Avatar
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    Re: New here, but not There, figure I'd better introduce myself .....

    Hmm, I thought is was Beer in Focus ......

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