I found out about this forum via a Brother from another Mother, ok, really from a guy I know from a different forum. He speaks highly of this place so I figured I pop in and give it a go.
A short bit about me. I am opinionated, think highly of myself, have a HUGE ego, and like to laugh a lot. My favorite target of my laughter and humor is me, which really keeps my perspective on things in general quite nicely in check. A few folks here may recognize me from elsewhere, I hope that those who do can vouch for my civility, honesty, politeness, incredibly amazing sense of humor and above all else my brilliance when it comes to all things photographic and computer wise. (Oh, was I bit too over the top with that last bit??? SHAME on me) Darnit Dewey, get back in your cage, sorry!
Went full Digital back in 1999 and have not looked back. I am always trying to learn more, and I find one of the best ways to learn is to share what I do and how I do it. It never ceases to amaze me how similar many of us are, yet how the most subtle differences can lead to better/easier ways of accomplishing what we are striving for. Many years ago, about 34 now, I made a promise that I would learn something new every day, and so far I have not missed a day. Hopefully folks here can help me keep that record going.
What I am looking for here is very simple, but rather difficult to find. Civil conversation where we can discuss, heck even argue at times, but still keep a grin on our face and friendship in our tone. Help me learn what I can do better, photographically or otherwise, and help me to share.
Well, enough drivel from me for now, when you all get sick enough of it, just show me the door. I probably won't leave, but at least I will know where the door is
To Mike, thanks for the pointer, I'll let you know in a few weeks if I still like you or not ........
PS. OK, first question, how the heck do you add a signature around here????? Maybe I should wait and see what shows up when I hit Submit ......